Chapter Forty-Nine

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The morning of the ball was tense with anticipation. As Emmeline walked down to breakfast there was much hustle and bustle of people moving quickly through the manor. Reminding her powerfully of the day Ottilie arrived, she felt her mood darkening as she headed to breakfast.

Cassius wasn't there when she arrived, something that surprised her. It was another one of those unspoken things, he was always there before her, having ordered her food and poured her a cup of coffee by the time she sat down.

"Master Cassius will have a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausages." She called to the attendant waiting wordlessly at the side of the room. They always jumped to assist when Cassius was there, but without his presence, this particular person seemed less keen to serve. "Also, add some mushrooms, tomatoes and such. I will have salmon and eggs with avocado."

There was a pause, but reluctantly the servant nodded and disappeared through the panelled door. A younger man replaced him at once, their juxtaposing attitudes evident at once.

"Your grace." He bowed, rushing to bring the large carafe of coffee over, pouring her a cup at once.

Emmeline smiled, keen to show gratitude. "Thank you. Could you pour one for his grace as well? I'm sure he'll be here shortly."

The young man's head bobbed enthusiastically as he nodded quickly. Right on cue, Cassius pushed through the doors, beaming when he saw her. There was an answering twinge in her stomach but she pushed it down. She had to keep telling herself not to get caught up in the charms of Cassius Marcellus. It would be disastrous for her if she did.

"You are late." She teased lightly, opening the paper that was placed beside her hand.

There was an amused tutting sound across the table. "I went to see your woman, Clementine."

Emmeline's eyes snapped up to him, a frown creasing the delicate space between her brows. "Why?"

Holding his hands in mock surrender he chuckled. "So hostile! It wasn't anything terrible." He teased, taking his coffee with a grateful nod.

"I've ordered." She noted, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Are you going to tell me what you spoke to Clem about?" Something about the mischievous twist of his lips told her he might not.

Shaking his head he simply gestured for the paper, which she gave him with reluctance.

Their day passed much like any other, they walked around the gardens with Cassius peppering her with questions about her friends and what to expect when they met later that day. When the breeze proved just too cold to stay outside any longer they headed for the library, which had become their go-to place to be in each other's company.

Emmeline hadnt had long to warm up though before Clementine arrived to summon her.

"But it's only 11am." She protested, checking the ornate clock high on the wall.

Clementine made a face. "We are leaving at 4pm to arrive at 6:30pm." She said, as if this was obviously reason enough.

Emmeline frowned. "But the ball starts at 5pm."

Cassius made a small sound, humour creasing around his eyes. "My mother is a firm believer that someone as important as a Grand Duke and Duchess should never be the first to arrive." It was clear from his expression that he found the notion foolish but funny.

Arching an eyebrow Emmeline turned her attention back to her maid who was moving from foot to foot impatiently. "Mistress, we only have five hours to get you ready."

Cassius made a shocked gesture. "Go, go, however will you be ready in time?" He teased. Clementine smiled stiffly, being polite, but when she turned back to face her mistress she wasn't amused.

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