Chapter Fifty-Two

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They didn't make it ten steps inside the ballroom before a body hit Emmeline with enough force to rip her from Cassius' grip. "Emmie!" A shrill voice pealed. Chestnut coloured curls and the scent of roses told her at once that it was Emily who had accosted her. Laughing, she bundled her friend up in her arms, holding her tightly as the two of them swayed for a moment on the spot.

Emily pulled back, placing both hands on Emmeline's cheeks. "Emmie, I've been so worried. So, so incredibly worried."

"She has." A deeper voice sounded behind them. Baron Samson Monts stood with an amused expression on his features as he watched his young wife. He was around 45, if she had to guess, older than Emily but not the wrinkled old man she had been expecting to see. His hair was a rich brown, flecks of silver beginning to show above his ears.

Emmeline dropped into a curtsey at once, Cassius, who stood forgotten at her side also bowed. "Your Grace." Emmeline breathed.

Cassius reached forward to shake his hand. "Thank you for inviting us." He smiled warmly.

Baron Monts made a helpless expression. "I dread to think what would have happened had I not. My dear Emily has been speaking of nothing but Miss Emmeline for weeks."

Emily laughed loudly and Emmeline was thrilled to see her friend looking so happy with her husband. Baron Monts nodded his head respectfully towards Cassius.

"I am honoured that you and your parents have graced our home. It is our greatest pleasure to host you. Should you or your parents need anything, please let me know. Nothing is too much trouble." It was more formal, but still sincere.

Cassius smiled widely, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "It is our pleasure to attend Baron. Baroness." He added, bowing to Emily in turn.

Another small shriek behind them made Emmeline spin with her arms extended, ready when Lavender threw herself into them. Lavender's pale brown hair smelt of sweet perfume as the two women embraced tightly.

"You must be Lady Lavender." Cassius chuckled. "And of course you are Baroness Emily. Emmeline has told me so much about you both."

Both ladies refused to let go of Emmeline, holding each arm as they faced the Grand Duke's son. Lavender pouted a little, one eyebrow arched as she assessed him. Emily piped up first. "Strange, Emmie has told us so little about you."

"Emily-" The Baron began but Cassius silenced him with a wave. Emmeline wished he hadn't, it was a wordless sign of power that she didn't think would do anything to endear her friends to her less-than-committed pair.

Lavender cocked her head a little to the side. Stepping forward she moved to curtsey. "It is an honour to meet you at last your grace." She was stopped from dropping into a proper curtsey almost at once, Cassius took both her hands.

"Lady Lavender- may I call you Lavender? I insist you call me Cassius. You are like Emmeline's sisters from what I hear. There is no need for us to address each other so formally."

Emily made an impressed sound at Emmeline's side. "Very well Cassius." She nodded, almost business like.

Baron Monts chuckled, pulling Emily into a one-sided hug. "Forgive us your grace, we must greet our other guests. My love, come." The Baron cooed into Emily's ear. Emily didn't resist but reached out to squeeze Emmeline's hand for a second longer before she let herself be steered away.

"I'll come and find you later." She vowed.

Lavender started, as if only just realising that her husband wasn't beside her. "I should go and find Issac; he'll be upset if I don't introduce him to you, Cassius." Doing a small little bob of respect she too left them.

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