Chapter Fifty

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Her dress was far finer than anything she had owned before. She had used a sizable portion of her wedding gifts in order to pay for it, worrying over such an expense right up until the gown arrived. Emmeline didn't like to think of herself as shallow or materialistic, but everyone has a vice. For Lavender it is elaborately decorated shoes, for Emily painted fans, for her sister-in-law Madeline, her vice was bonnets. Emmeline had never had the funds to grow a propensity to collect any such accessories, but she did find pleasure in new dresses, even when they were second-hand, and this was the most beautiful of all the dresses she had ever owned.

Clementine took her time lacing her into it, a snake of tiny buttons running the length of her spine. It was with a child-like joy that she spun in front of the mirror once, twice, okay once more, three times.

Silvery grey fabric fell in almost waves from her waist, tiny stars and moons had been embroidered across the wispy fabric. Twin gold stars had been embroidered here and there, easy to miss unless one was looking closely. The symbol of the pairing. Anxiety and appreciation spasmed in her simultaneously. "Was this your doing?" She asked quietly, holding the fabric between her fingers as she studied the gold stars. They were no bigger than a centimetre.

Worry flashed over her features as she stared at the offending symbols. "No, mistress, I swear it wasnt me."

Emmeline knew it was traditional for a pairing to wear stars when they first debuted as a couple. For peasants it meant drawing a star on the back of each other's hands in charcoal before facing their village or town. For wealthier pairs it usually involved pins, or broaches. The seamstress, who Emmeline hadn't thought to ask the name of she realised guiltily, had obviously thought she was being traditional adding such a detail.

Clementine began to fuss at once, suggesting ways they could cover the stars, perhaps they could pin some ribbons, or maybe...

Emmeline stopped her, placing a hand over the top of her maid's as she panicked.

"It is a beautiful dress. No one will see such a tiny detail." She promised, hoping her reassuring tone would calm her maid. Clementine had worked so hard, she didn't want to appear ungrateful. Clementine took a deep breath before nodding solemnly.

The jewellery boxes could be ignored no longer as the final adjustments were made to her dress. At Clementine's insistence she looked over the selection of jewels. Next to the one's from Cassius' chest, she had placed the pieces that had been gifted to her as wedding presents. The King had sent a particularly fine pair of earrings. The diamonds that dangled were bigger than her thumbnail, catching the light as she twisted her head from side to side.

With the earrings she paired a necklace from the collection Cassius had sent over. A chain of pearls held a heavy diamond that sat comfortable between her collarbones.

Clementine practically begged her to choose a set of matching pearl bracelets; Emmeline agreed, laughing a little at how seriously her maid took the pairing of trinkets.

With a hand in the small of her back she was steered towards the full length mirror. Clementine pressed her fingertips against her lips, her eyes full of pride as she waited for Emmeline's reaction.

Emmeline hardly recognised herself. The dramatic makeup and truly impressive hairstyle had transformed her into someone far more beautiful than the Emmeline she was used to seeing. Hesitantly, she smiled at her reflection. Her hair seemed paler, shining almost silver, perhaps it was the dress? She had never worn a dress like it. Nor had she ever worn so much jewellery. She dreaded to think how much it cost, vowing to be extremely careful tonight. She'd never forgive herself if she lost an earring.

Clementine watched her with a wide grin. "You are a vision mistress."

Emmeline smiled, ceasing her spinning carefully to give her maid a hug. Clementine blinked in surprise before returning the embrace quickly. "Thank you so much for your hard work." She nodded.

The young maid spluttered something along the lines of it being nothing but Emmeline only squeezed her again with a broad smile before sweeping from the room.

Cassius was waiting for her outside her room, Emmleine almost shrieking in surprise when she walked right into where he was leant against the wall. "Cassius!" She cried out, placing a hand over her now hammering heart. "You scared me."

Silence met her words, but the hands that had reached out to steady her tightened a little on her shoulders. "Cassius?" She frowned looking up at him where his expression was curiously fixed.

Insecurity bloomed in her stomach; that child-like joy she had felt at being dressed up in such a wonderful dress evaporating under his gaze. "Do I not look-" She mumbled, attempting to pull herself from his grip.

Her actions seemed to snap him out of his freeze. He pulled her even closer, sliding his hands down from her shoulders to her elbows. The motion had her feeling every callous on his large palms, his fingers trailing lightly across her skin.

"You are a vision." He breathed. Emmeline laughed, making him frown for a fleeting second.

"Clementine said the same thing." She gestured back to her room.

Cassius softened at once, holding out his arm for her to take. "Then it must be true." He smirked. He was clad in a dark blue suit that was tailored to perfection. A pale grey waistcoat and pocket square matched with her dress beautifully. The thought of him taking the time to make sure his clothing complimented hers, made her stomach tense.

He was, truly, very handsome. His dark hair had been smoothed back, the usually free flowing strands more controlled. It suited him very well. Taking his arm, she let him guide her down the stairs towards the entrance hall, doing her best not to stare at him just as he was trying not to stare at her. 


Author's Note:

FIFTY CHAPTERS!! Phew it feels like an achievement to have gotten this far. 

Double upload for you all as it's Christmas eve. 

Have a very happy holidays everyone.

S x

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