Chapter Eleven

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After many hours their carriage pulled to a stop in front of an expensive looking inn. She stayed put as Cassius swung gracefully out of the door, leaving it open behind her. He hadn't told her to move, but he equally hadn't told her to stay. Seized by sudden uncertainty she stood, popping her head tentatively out of the carriage door. A footman was at her side in an instant.

"Allow me my lady." He offered her a hand which she took gratefully, unsteady after so many hours bouncing on the hard seats. This carriage was far finer than anything she had ridden in before, but no carriage in the world could completely mask the bumping sensation of a road.

She entered the inn to see Cassius already instructing their luggage. A trunk of her things, small compared to his, was whisked away from her when she went to grab it. "I can carry it myself." She offered gently.

Cassius tutted, still with his back to her as he instructed his staff. "It would reflect badly on me if you did." Was the only explanation he gave. "We are staying here for the night."

And without another word he strode away, disappearing up the stairs.

They were staying here? Just how far away was his family seat? She wanted to ask but he already seemed irked by her lack of knowledge about him. Anxiety began to prickle her insides. Was he expecting her to share a room with him tonight? A bed? She wouldn't do it. Not after his rudeness. She would sleep in the carriage if he insisted. Steeling herself, she followed where Cassius had disappeared, intent to find out the sleeping arrangements before she retreated to the carriage.

The upper floor of the inn was carpeted with plush rugs. There were around a dozen doors, all of which were closed to her. She didn't know which one Cassius had gone in. After a few minutes hesitating she regretfully accepted that she would have to call out to him, but as she opened her mouth a servant appeared behind her, ushering her towards the fourth door down.

"This will be your room my lady. Master Cassius expresses his regret that it is not more comfortable. Is there anything I assist you with?" The girl asked.

Emmeline blinked, she doubted very much that Master Cassius regretted anything at all. "Where is Master Cassius?" She asked in an almost whisper. Clearing her throat, embarrassed she asked again a little louder.

The maid gave her a sympathetic look. "The Master has retired to his rooms."

Emmeline let out a sigh of deepest relief before she remembered herself. The last thing she needed was a maid running off and telling Cassius that she was unhappy. "Sorry I didn't mean-" She began but the maid chuckled, shaking her head.

"You have nothing to apologise for." Was all she said, "Shall I help you change my Lady?"

Emmeline paused, grateful to this woman and her kindness. "What is your name?"

"Clementine my lady." She curtseyed quickly in a bobbing motion.

Emmeline exhaled with relief, a flicker of happiness warming her for the first time since her name was called during the pairing. Clementine reminded her of Hazel a little.

"That's a pretty name." She smiled, heading for the screen to change.

She had packed four dresses with her. Admittedly not very many, but they were her best and the rest were not worth packing. Much of her wardrobe had been her mothers, and years of use had left much of it thread worn. Her plan had been to sell these gowns to support her and her partner if needed. Instead, she would be needing to wear them it seemed. Dressed in one of her newest gowns she shivered with pleasure at being out of the rough suit she had been wearing before. The soft fabrics of her skirts being far more comfortable and familiar.

Dinner was a silent affair. She headed downstairs to eat, sitting alone at a table while others around her dined and drank. Cassius had appeared once, sitting only long enough to drink one pint of ale before disappearing back upstairs, a plate of food following not long after him. She wished she had thought to ask for food to be sent up to her rooms. Instead she sat alone, being stared at, and enduring the murmurs of intoxicated men. Wolfing down her food she retreated back upstairs as soon as possible, fighting back tears as she slammed the door behind her. Clementine said nothing about Emmeline's tears as she helped her swiftly undress and ready for bed. Wishing her a muted 'goodnight my lady' as she extinguished the candles and closed the door.

Was this to be her life now? Ignored and lonely? The thought made her ache as she let the tears fall. She was hurt that her supposedly perfect match was being so cold. She was upset that Atticus at the very least hadn't attended her pairing ceremony. He had promised he would. Had her family already written her off so easily?

Obviously, they had.

She had been afraid- hell, she had been terrified to face the pairing. But she thought that at least she would experience affection from her match. That was the deal, wasn't it? You gave up the chance for a political marriage. Gave up your family ties. Endured the tests and the humiliation and in exchange you got to feel loved. Every other couple had seemed that way, so why didn't she?

Emmeline let herself wallow in her sadness, crying till her eyes were sore and puffy. She would only allow herself one night, she told herself in the early hours of the morning. You get to be sad for one night, and then we have to make the best of this. You deserve it after all of that.

Clutching her vow to herself tight against her chest, she curled up in a ball and finally let herself fall into an exhausted sleep.

Clementine knocked lightly before entering the room not long after the sun had risen. She had tutted affectionately when she had seen her red eyes, applying a cold wet cloth to her eyes while she braided her hair back into an elaborate style.

Once dressed she left her chambers, followed by Clementine who had already packed all of her possessions back into her modest trunk. She hadn't commented on the inclusion of the gold curtain hooks from her bedroom back home, and for that she was grateful.

Cassius passed her in the hall, emerging from his own room clad in silks and velvets of the deepest green. They suited him well, complimenting his dark hair,, so startling against the paleness of his skin.

"Good morning, your grace." She curtseyed delicately as he passed her.

He nodded, throwing a quiet good morning over his shoulder back at her.

He was already in the carriage when she emerged from the inn into the sunlight. She paused for a moment, raising her face to the sun and closing her eyes for a few seconds before heading for the carriage.

"You enjoy the sunshine?" He asked in that same disinterested tone.

She couldn't understand him. One minute he was ignoring her and the next he was asking her questions. She simply nodded, settling herself on the seat opposite him.


Author's Note:

Clementine is a gem honestly. 

Sophie. x

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