Grandpa and great-uncle (Chp.48)

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While Izuku was at the dorms for the night, his maternal Grandparents were at home, having a movie night.

They would watch classics like wizard of Oz, Meet me in St.Louis, gentlemen prefer blondes etc.

Those were comfort shows for them. Billy always used to watch movies with his mother, who adored such arts. He later on continued this tradition with his daughter.

However, even tough hes watching it with his husband, it doesn't feel the same. Two of the most important people died in his life, one of them having died recently.

Sensing his husbands despair, turned the tv and the movie player off.

"What was that for?" Billy asked Teddy, who set the remote down.

"You seem upset. Did the movies bring up bad memiries?" Teddy rubbed his husbands shoulder.

A hesitant nod was all he needed to know.

"Its been hard for everyone." Billy said, his eyes slightly watering as he looks at a picture of the two of them with a seven year-old Inko.

"I just can't believe it. Our precious just...gone."

The two men were silent for a moment. Grief is hard for everyone. No matter how hard one tries to ignore it, it will catch up to you.

Every parents fear is to outlive their child. A fear that Teddy and Billy never wanted to come true. But fate had other plans.

Due to their grief, everyone started to act differently. Teddy, the once bubbly and cheerful hybrid, is now just ingulfed in sorrows.

Billy on the other hand, is shrouded in anger. He knows his daughter was murdered, brutally even. She never deserved such a fate. He actively wishes that her murderer dies in a horrible way.

And Izuku...was probably hit the hardest. The once smiley and helpful young man, became distant, blunt, and really doesn't hang out with his friends.

While he may only have few, he doesn't want to bother them with his problem. He became rather cold...and did something horrible.

Trying to lift up their spirits, Teddy had an Idea. "Say, why don't we go to Izukus school festival in a few days? I heard there will be a play, a haunted house, and some nice food stands. Parents and Guardians are welcome."

Billy gave his husband a questioning look and wanted to see if it was legit and not a prank. Teddy just handed him his phone with the email.

His eyes softened when he read it. 'I guess some family time would help us'

However, this emotion didn't last and a  notification appeared about the school again. He raised an eyebrow and clicked it

It was a complaint email, asking to speak with them if possible. Billy sighed and rubbed his temples. While he adores his grandson, recently he has become a bit of a trouble maker.

"Is everything alright?" Teddy asked his husband with concern.

"Fine. Everythings fine" Billy remarked with a sarcastic tone. He rurned om the Tv again, wanting to watch atleast somethkng that would bring up his mood.

This past month was hell and the year was ruined for them.


"Breaking news, The shie hassaikai, also know as the notorious Yakuza, have all been brutally murdered." The Newscaster said on the TV.

Both Billy and Teddy looked at the TV with different expressions. Teddys was with fear, since if someone was powerful enough to kill the yakuza, they could kill many others and his family might be in danger.

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