Chapter 1

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The weight of being Toruk Makto's eldest son and future Olo’eyktan was suddenly lifted from Neteyam's burdened shoulders. The young Omaticaya, freshly an adult amongst his people, found himself far from home in a foreign land full of foreign people who disregarded the cummerbund adorning his chest and looked at him as if he was a mere child. Neteyam was treated like a newborn by the adults around him, even his father's expectations lessened.

His father knew nothing of the Metcayina traditions, he did not know if his son was learning fast or slow; all he knew was that Neteyam was learning. Neteyam was adjusting to their new life and it was more than enough for Jake.

But with learning a completely new lifestyle came a completely new personality. 

Neteyam was still the gentle boy had always been, even before Ao'nung began tormenting him. Neteyam still looked after his siblings, his parents still trusted him to be the bigger person — even if he did not want to be.

Neteyam's mind drifted to Ao'nung as he laid in the sand, staring at the night sky. They had been here perhaps a month and Neteyam had already physically fought the taller na'vi – and won. It seemed Ao'nung was incapable of accepting his family. Compared to his sister, Ao'nung was an absolute menace, cruel and unforgiving – a harsh teacher. Ronal, the tsahik, had raised his son into a cruel boy.

Neteyam was not afraid of Ao'nung's insults or cruel jabs; not even of the harsh way Ao'nung handled him, often yanking his limbs into place when he sat on his ilu wrong. Neteyam could be equally as harsh and unforgiving. 

Toruk Makto raised him into a warrior, not a wuss. 

Neteyam sat up, hearing muffled footsteps in the sand. He was certain his father realised he was missing from his sleeping mat, but Neteyam soon found that the one disturbing his peace was in fact the Metcayina heir. 

Neteyam's face contorted into a frown; he wanted to spit mean words at Ao'nung's head, not quite ready to forgive the teal na'vi for almost getting his precious little brother killed by an akula mere days ago. He held his tongue.

The bruise on Ao'nung's pale cheek was enough to satisfy him for the time being.

"What are you doing here, forest boy?" Ao'nung whispered, voice low and dangerous. The Metcayina did not want to wake the families in the nearby maruis.

Neteyam resisted rolling his eyes. "Nothing." 

"So you're just laying in the sand playing dead?" Ao'nung smirked, cruelty lacing his voice. "Didn't know you were such a freak, forest boy." 

Neteyam took a deep breath – Ao'nung's eyes were staring directly at him, noticing his efforts in riling the shorter male up were working. 

Neteyam scoffed,  standing to face the other male. Ao'nung grabbed his wrist, lifting the Omaticaya’s arm and revealing the slender hand. "You are different. You're not like your brother. "

"We have the same parents," Neteyam replied, keeping his voice low and void of his rising fury. "My brother and I are the same." 

"No," Ao'nung smirked, disagreeing. "Your brother is more like the sky people than you are. It shows even in the way he behaves."

"I told you to leave my family alone-" Neteyam warned, pulling his hand free from Ao'nung's loosened grasp. 

"Or what?" Ao'nung's smirked never left his face. The Metcayina stepped closer, half expecting Neteyam to take a step back, but the dark blue skinned boy never did.

Neteyam growled, the sound low and threatening in his throat. "You know what happens if you mess with them. Or if you've forgotten, look at your reflection in the water. It's still on your face." 

"Funny you would say that," Ao'nung grinned, raising his arms in surrender. "You seem to have forgotten the bloody cut on your mouth." 

Out of reflex, Neteyam ran his tongue over the cut with a roll of his eyes. Neteyam stared at the young na'vi in silent resentment before turning away, deciding to leave, to go home and continue his sleepless torment there but Ao'nung is quick to grab his arm and keep him where he is.

"Didn't know you give up so easy, baby tail." Ao'nung's breath is hot against the side of his face as the taller male steps up close to him. Neteyam feels fury coil in his core.

He cannot stop himself.

Neteyam's fist connects with Ao'nung's cheek and it takes them both by surprise. Ao'nung stumbled back, letting Neteyam go, but he does not fall, not like last time. Instead, the Metcayina's hiss cuts through the silence of the night as he lunges for Neteyam. 

Neteyam was fast; he jumped to the side before Ao'nung could hit him, leaving the Metcayina stumbling. Neteyam grabbed Ao'nung's shoulders and slams his knee into the Metcayina's ribs, almost enjoying the pained hiss Ao'nung let out before he was knocked to the ground, a strong teal hand holding his throat in a warning.

Neteyam allowed Ao'nung the benefit of the doubt, letting the taller male hold him down. Neteyam licked the stinging cut on his lip – it had torn when he hissed as he fell onto his back.

"Not so mighty now, are you?" Ao'nung glared at him, eyes shining with pure dislike — it was almost hate. 

Neteyam grabbed Ao'nung's wrist; the Metcayina squeezed his throat, leaning above him. Neteyam locked his legs around the other's waist, twisting until Ao'nung fell to the side, letting go of his naked throat. Neteyam grasped Ao'nung's wrists and held them down, breathing heavily as the boy struggled under him, trashing around wildly before stopping, sneering up at Neteyam. 

"Stay away from my siblings, fish lips."

Neteyam let Ao'nung go, standing and glaring down at the Metcayina. He left Ao'nung there, ignoring the rude comments thrown at his back.

When he snuck into his family's marui, Neteyam felt relief flood him. Everyone was still asleep. Neteyam eyed his younger brother, smiling fondly as he noticed Lo'ak's sprawled out form. Lo'ak's arms were hanging off his sleeping mat, hair scattered and loincloth tangled together with his blankets.  Neteyam wondered how his younger brother could sleep with blankets even in such a strong heat. 

Sighing softly, Neteyam laid down, turning on his side, away from his family. He closed his eyes, but sleep avoided him that night, leaving his exhausted in the morning. 

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