Chapter 20

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Though Jake had apologised, the atmosphere between them was still tense. Neteyam forgave his father for the way he had reacted but Lo'ak was still often found loitering around Neteyam protectively whenever their father was around.

Neteyam could feel this was not the end of things; sometimes he overheard his parents bickering about it. Neteyam always pretended to not be bothered by their fights — they tried to be discreet, only arguing whenever they thought their children were out and about. Neteyam was good at sneaking around, despite what his family thought. He learnt to be silent when he began hunting in the forest. Alone.

Eventually, his bruises faded and it seemed like nothing had happened at all. He did need to sit through a rather embarrassing hour of his father educating him on the matters of sexual health – and how, if he ever decided to lie with a woman, he needed to be careful and drink a herbal remedy to avoid getting her pregnant. Neteyam already knew how to make that tea.

"Hey, Ao'nung," Neteyam called out, voice firm. "Look over there. The Krìdril is watching us."

Ao'nung blinked in surprise before walking over to Neteyam. The two of them were collecting shells for the evening meal. "Neteyam, how did you even notice that. It's so far away."

"I guess it's just something I'm better at than you, " Neteyam replied swiftly, rolling his eyes. "Now please, stop getting annoyed immediately, fish lips, and just listen to me, okay?"

"Okay, I'm sorry," Ao'nung sighed softly, shaking his head. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

Neteyam waited a moment before nodding once. He put away the shells in his hand, carefully filling his basket with them. Neteyam hurried over to the little crab, kneeling in the sand in front of it. The shiny pink creature chirped happily. Ao'nung watched them curiously just a few steps away.

"This is impossible," the Metcayina whispered in awe, eyes trailing over Neteyam's form, hesitating on his hips before his pale blue eyes raised only to be met with a knowing golden smirk.

"What is impossible, Nungie?"

"This is a very rare crab, they don't even grow—"

"—Grow much bigger." Neteyam smiled reassuringly, noticing Ao'nung's distress. "And they only live near this island. So, what is impossible, Nung?"

Ao'nung chewed on his lower lip, watching as Neteyam played around with the small crab running around on his arm, chirping loudly and clicking its claws happily.

"They are very special. Sometimes they won't even acknowledge the Tsahik. Right there, from the base of they claws they can extract this golden liquid and it can heal the worst illnesses. Even a broken bone can be healed in days of one mixes just a drop into their tea," Ao'nung explained, feeling like his breath was stolen from him as he watched Neteyam, the perfect stranger, play around with the little creature so gently, Ao'nung felt like he could cry. "You're very special–"

Neteyam paused, ears twitching faintly as he glanced Ao'nung's way, not quite meeting his eyes as a faint blush settled on his cheeks. "Ao'nung, I–"

"Please, let me kiss you, Neteyam," Ao'nung pleaded, voice barely a whisper carried on the wind. "I know I have been horrible to you but I would never hurt you again, not on purpose, just please—"

Neteyam pressed his lips gently against Ao'nung's cheek, placing his free hand on the Metcayina's shoulder, fingertips caressing the teal skin. "I know we kissed before," Neteyam's voice twinkled gently along the sound of waves. "But, Ao'nung, this is different. It's difficult and hard. I'm — I'm fragile, Nung. I can't bear to be hurt again."

Neteyam took a shaky breath. "I don't know if I told you or someone else, I can't remember. It doesn't matter, but I said I did not love any of the people I'd been with."

"But you loved someone?" Ao'nung whispered, afraid to startle the na'vi standing in front of him, still grasping his shoulder with one hand, palm facing up as he held the Krìdril in the other.

Neteyam nodded slowly. "I let him do everything, Ao'nung. I was foolish—"

"No," Ao'nung uttered, eyes wide with sympathy. He placed a large hand on Neteyam's cheek, heart fluttering in his chest happily as the Omaticaya leaned into his touch. "It's not foolish. Wanting to be loved is not foolish."

Neteyam allowed a small, careful smile to slip onto his face. He lifted his head, shoulders straightening slightly. "Thank you."

Ao'nung flushed, swallowing thickly. "You're welcome. You should name him. Krìdril are very smart and social but they do not have names unless they choose a na'vi."

"He?" Neteyam asked softly, lifting the crab to inspect it. "How do you know it's male?"

"He's pink. The male Krìdril are always pink."

"What about the female ones?" Neteyam grinned, excitement bubbling to the surface as he walked towards the water. "What colour are they?"

The Krìdril chirped in answer, but Neteyam did not understand, so he turned to Ao'nung for an explanation.

The Metcayina followed after him. "The female are green usually. They have a swirling pattern. This guy is just shiny, he doesn't have any marks."

Neteyam slowly lowered himself to his knees, keeping the crab out of water. "If I asked him, would he give me that medicine you mentioned?"

Ao'nung waited by the shore for the Krìdril to stop squeaking loudly before laughing and nodding. "Most likely yes. They don't keep away because they do not trust us, they are simply not social. It seems this guy is different from the rest. He's loud, too."

"Rawvì," Neteyam replied suddenly, making Ao'nung blink in confusion. He let out a rather unintelligent noise of question to which Neteyam only laughed. "His name. I would like it to be Rawvì."

The Krìdril chirped in delight.

"He's going to brag to all his friends about you giving him a name now. Look at him. He's so smug."

"Are you jealous again, Nungie?" Neteyam smirked lazily, tilting his head. "Would you like to recieve a name as well?"

"You have already given me at least ten new names, 'Teyam," Ao'nung smirked, shoulder shaking in silent laughter. "I'm not jealous of a crab."

Neteyam shrugged, nonchalant. "Okay. You just seem like the jealous type, Nungie."

Ao'nung scrunched his nose up in embarrassment. "Please, don't call me that. It's the worst name yet that you have given me."

"I know."

Beautiful Lie |Ao'nung x Neteyam|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang