Chapter 30

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Neteyam walked along the beach, looking for his friends. He spotted Naìtvì sitting by the shore with Kaey, the warrior fully healed with nothing but a few scars decorating his skin.

He grinned, silly with excitement as he bounced over to them. Kaey noticed him first and smiled softly, inviting him to come closer with a wave, making Naìtvì turn towards Neteyam's approaching form.

"Little Prince," he called out, standing to meet him, helping Kaey to his feet despite the other male being perfectly capable of moving by himself. "How have you been? We haven't seen you in so long."

"Sorry," Neteyam cooed, wrapping his arms around Naìtvì's midde in a warm hug before seperating and pulling Kaey close. "I was so busy."

Naìtvì grinned with a tilt of his head. "What were you so busy with?"

Neteyam blushed, biting his bottom lip. He glanced to the side before pulling his hair back to show off the new necklace Ao'nung had gifted him. Naìtvì and Kaey knew about the courting, but he never shared the details with them since he never shared them with anyone else either.

A wonderful, deep red shell had been woven into a necklace with white lacing, pale beads decorating the fabric. Ao'nung wore a similar one that Neteyam had made him. They picked the shell together after they bonded, diving deep for it. The pearl had still been inside when they cracked it open.

"Our little warrior has a husband now!" Naìtvì grinned, excitement bubbling to the surface as he examined the necklace. "I did not know Ao'nung was so good at making such fine accessories."

Neteyam beamed as Kaey's hand came to rest on his shoulder. "He has the other half of the shell."

The Metcayina warriors chuckled, sharing a fond look. "As he should."

They had worn a similar red shell in the early days of their mating. It is tradition among the Metcayina to wear a deep red shell to honor their fresh union.

"He took me to a cave," Neteyam murmured shyly, averting his gaze. "For two days–"

"Ah, yes," Kaey smirked, eyeing Naìtvì with a knowing look in his eyes. "The main trial."


Naìtvì rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "That's just a silly idea– You know it's not real."

Kaey shrugged, a coy smirk on his lips. He wrapped an arm around Neteyam's shoulder and leaned down to whisper in his ears. "It is said, that whoever managed to keep away from their future mate for two days, alone, will receive a great blessing by the Great Mother."

"Oh. Did you manage it?"

"Nah," Kaey snorted. "Naì was all-over me before the first night was over. I was his first you know."

Neteyam tilted his head as they began walking along the shore. "But he wasn't yours?"

"Nope." Kaey

Neteyam hummed in confusion. "But he came to me first."

Naìtv snorted, patting Neteyam's head. "You signed to me. Remember?"

"What did he sign?" Kaey blinked, eyes wide with surprise. "What did you sign?"

Neteyam flushed, avoidong Kaey's curiois gaze by turning in the opposite direction, watching the bright sky. "It doesn't matter–"

"He signed something delightful, my love," Naìtvì smirked, pressing a kiss to Kaey's cheek. "But I won't tell you unless our little warrior wants me to."

Neteyam felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "Okay. You can tell him."

Naìtvì grinned boldly, hands coming to grasp Kaey by the waist, startling him. "He asked me if I'm interested in laying with him. Straight up. No hesitation. How could I refuse that?"

Neteyam blushed faintly, remembering the day he first saw the young warrior as he was attendind one of Tsireya's lessons.

"No way–" Kaey laughed. He grasped Naìtvì's wrists, snatching them and swiftly turning him around, locking his arms behind his back to stop the assaults on his waist. "I can picture you doing that, but not Neteyam. He is too proper."

Neteyam watched them, smiling as they went about their bickering; Naìtvì trying to wiggle free but failing, obviously the weaker of the two. He was getting flushed and sweaty from trying to break free, meanwhile, Kaey looked like he was barely even trying to hold him down.

"But," Naìtvì breathed out. "We are happy for you, Little Prince. We can continue to be friends. I hope Ao'nung isn't too jealous."

Neteyam snorted. "Ao'nung can try being jealous but I'll beat it out of him the moment he tries anything."

His response startled a laugh out of both warriors.

Neteyam smiled, walking up to Ao'nung, bouncing along the roads between the homes. He held his hand out, freedom in his heart, not caring what anyone might think of him.

Ao'nung smiled back at him, lacing their fingers together, walking side by side. He smiled at the bounce in Neteyam's steps, unsure what had made him so carefree.

He had assumed Neteyam would be shy, but he was so proud to have Ao'nung as his mate, braids bouncing with the crab perched on one as he walked along the roads.

They had nothing they needed to do for the next few days. Their parents had not been the least bit surprised to find that they came back married —though Jake had felt a little awkward, patting his son's shoulder.

Rawvì chirped happily, clearly enjoying being swung around. Neteyam chuckled, letting the Omaticaya drag him around.

Neteyam walked swiftly, reaching down to collect shells he deemed pretty enough, jostling Ao'nung.

"You are happy today," Ao'nung noted eventually.

Neteyam grinned. "Of course I am. You're mine, I have no reason to be anything but."

Ao'nung flushed faintly, eyes wide with surprise. He did not expect Neteyam to react like this. He watched the young male in front of him.

Neteyam snorted. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Cat?" Ao'nung frowned. "What is cat?"

Neteyam shooked his head, turning to face Ao'nung fully. "It doesn't matter. I just asked if you're speechless."

"Oh," Ao'nung hummed, taking the shells Neteyam was handing him without even noticing that Neteyam simply did not want to carry them. "I was."

Neteyam pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I spoke with Naìtvì and Kaey."

Ao'nung glanced to the side silently, aware that Neteyam was searching his gaze for any hint of a reaction that he did not like. "What about?"

"You," Neteyam replied swiftly, plucking yet another shell from the ground. "They are happy for me."

"You will continue to see them?" Ao'nung asked carefully, only then noticing the army of shells in his hands. He rolled his eyes fondly but did not complain.

Neteyam shrugged. "No. I think that is behind me. I am— it was just–"

Ao'nung waited patiently as Neteyam stumbled to find the right words.

"They are still my friends of course," Neteyam said eventually. He pursed his lips and turned his gaze to the water. He knew if he did not tell Ao'nung now, he never will, so he took a deep breath and willed away the nerves just enough to make way for his words. "I was careless. I went out looking for trouble and I had no way of knowing that they would be so kind. Maybe I was looking to be hurt."

Ao'nung swallowed thickly, nodding slowly. "Why would you look to be hurt, my love?"

"Because I had my heart broken before I met you," Neteyam whispered, voice but a ghost carried by the wind. "I thought I deserved only to be used."

"You deserve so much more," Ao'nung murmured, eyes glistening.

Neteyam perked up, placing another shell in his hand.  "Thank you."

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