Chapter 15

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Tense silence fell over the marui as Jake turned to fully face his son, eyes wide. "What did you say?"

Neteyam swallowed thickly and pulled his ears back, bowing his head in an obvious show of submission. "I am sorry, sir."

"When was this, Neteyam?" Jake frowned down at his son, entire body tense with disappointment. Neytiri fell silent; her eyes were calm, unlike Jake's, whose golden gaze flashed wildly with a brewing storm.

"In the forest," Neteyam murmured. "Back home."

Neteyam heard it before he felt it — his head snapped to the side, lip stinging. He raised a hand to touch his cheek. His father had never raised a hand to him before, and it left him stunned; a tense silence fell over their home before he heard his mother's angry hiss.

Neytiri yanked Jake back by his shoulder, baring her fangs at her mate. "You do not raise a hand to our son! What were you thinking?!"

Lo'ak was by his side the moment his knees hit the ground, crumbling in his front of his entire family, the facade of being the perfect son falling so quickly, leaving him exposed. Kiri let out a soft cry of disbelief; she seemed to ache to comfort his brother, but she held a terrified Tuk already in her arms.

"What was I thinking?" Jake asked in disbelief. "What was he thinking? Neytiri, I've been telling him all his life to not do this!"

"Ma Jake!" Neytiri warned again, grabbing her mate by the upper arm to keep him from harming their oldest son further. "Do you hear yourself? You live among us, and yet you still do not see! I told you once you can not learn to see and you prove me right!"

"Our son is not mated, and he sleeps around!" Jake insisted, arms gesturing wildly. "What will the people think!"

Neteyam swallowed nervously and rubbed his hands over his face tenderly, trying to soothe the burning pain. He felt doubt bubble to the surface, filling his heart with anguish and despair. The forest na'vi wondered how things had come to this. Why did his father not treat him with the same gentle love he gave Lo'ak when his little brother confessed his first kiss. What was so different when it came to him?

Lo'ak wrapped his arms around his brother's shaking shoulders and pulled him close, whispering soothing words into his ears. Neteyam felt his heart shatter.

"You either leave this home to calm down, or you can talk to your son with reason," Neytiri’s voice rang out, startling Neteyam. "But if you so much as raise your voice, there will be consequences."

Neteyam watched as his parents stared each other down before Jake let out a sigh and turned to face his oldest son, kneeling in front of him. He did not apologise, but his voice was softer than before.
"Who was it?"

"A girl from the village–"

Neteyam fiddled with a loose thread on his loincloth, resting against Lo'ak as his brother openly glared at their father. Jake chose to ignore the gesture.
"She's the only one?"

Neteyam grew more uncomfortable as the questions rained down on him. "No, sir. I'm sorry, sir. There have been three others since then."

Even Neytiri was not fast enough to realise what would happen in the following seconds as Jake grabbed Neteyam by a fistful of his hair, yanking him up off the floor and out of Lo'ak's comforting embrace. He slammed the young na'vi against the floor, ignoring his pained cry. Neteyam clenched his eyes shut as his father's unforgiving fist connected with his cheek, surely to leave a bruise. It was Lo'ak who tackled Jake, blinding rage dictating the young Omaticaya's every move. Neytiri was on his mate in the blink of an eye, snarling and grasping him by the base of his queue.

Neteyam hurried out of the marui in absolute agony, breathing heavily and choking on his own sobs, shaking like a leaf during a harsh storm. He did not know why, but the first person he decided to seek out for comfort was the chief's son. Hardly anyone was outside, storm clouds had gathered on the usually clear skies.

When the Omaticaya spotted him, Neteyam slammed into Ao'nung's side, grasping his shoulders as the Metcayina turned to face him, stumbling from the force. Ao'nung had just been attempting to catch some crabs, but the creatures scattered the moment they noticed Neteyam.

"Neteyam?" Ao'nung frowned, trying to soothe the forest na'vi with a hand on his shoulder. "What is going on?"

Ao'nung watched in absolute distress as the Omaticaya tried to speak, every word cut off by a vicious sob. Ao'nung helped him sit down in the sand, a warm, comforting hand placed on Neteyam's back. Ao'nung realised there was only one person who could reduce the mighty warrior to a trembling mess, and his blood ran cold.

Ao'nung rocked the forest na'vi gently, gathering him in his arms. "Hey, it's alright. I'm here. You're safe now."

It felt like hours before Neteyam had finally calmed down. Even then, the Omaticaya simply sunk into Ao'nung's embrace, silent. Ao'nung searched his face for answers on what had happened, but all he saw were the bruises. Neteyam's lip was split, and his cheek was bruised purple.

The Metcayina waited patiently until Neteyam finally sat up, separating their embrace.
"I am sorry."

"Don't be," Ao'nung murmured softly, brows furrowed as vines curled tightly in his stomach. "What happened?"

Neteyam closed his eyes, refusing to shed any more tears. "I confessed to my father that I am not pure."

"Pure?" Ao'nung frowned. "What is pure?"

"A virgin," Neteyam replied swiftly, voice void of emotion. "Untouched."

"Your father hit you for that?" Ao'nung whispered, almost afraid to be too loud in case he might cause Neteyam more distress. "Does he not know this is normal?"

Neteyam looked away, tongue running over the wound on his lip. "I did not know either. But what is alright to do according to the people does not always match what my father deems acceptable. Virginity for the sky people is very important. Their women may even get killed if they are found to be impure."

"Pure, impure!" Ao'nung hissed, covering his eyes. "Lying with another does not make you dirty!"


Ao'nung blinked in shock, not expecting Neteyam's nervous apology. "Listen, baby tail. Don't let your father make you feel bad for the things you do. There's nothing wrong with it–"

Neteyam kissed him.

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