Chapter 7

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The next time Neteyam saw the mysterious warrior was during an evening feast. He was sitting with his parents when Naìtvì walked by, signing secretly behind his back, knowing his parents would not notice such a subtle gesture, nor would they understand if they did.

Neteyam took a shaky breath and showed his father his empty plate. "I will get some more food.”

“Alright son,” Jake hummed. He was more occupied by a conversation he was having with his wife and some Metcayina elders.

Neteyam had noticed a while ago that the handsome Metcayina with a high braided bun had been eyeing him during the feast. Now, Naìtvì was waiting for him by the beach, hidden by some trees and rocks. Neteyam followed after him, empty plate long since forgotten somewhere in the crowd. Drunks and horns sounded, accompanied by singing. The night reminded Neteyam a little of his own celebrations.

Neteyam reached Naìtvì, walking slowly, heart beating wildly in his chest. He knew exactly what the other wanted from him, and he was willing to give it to the Metcayina. Naìtvì smiled warmly at him, his ears giving a little twitch.

“Toruk Makto’s eldest son,” he grinned, flashing his fangs, making Neteyam gulp. “What a lovely surprise. My name is Naìtvì.”

Neteyam returned the Metcayina’s greeting swiftly. Naìtvì was bold in a gentle way. Naìtvì reached down and took Neteyam’s wrist in his large hand softly. The Metcayina held his hand up, inspecting his fingers.

“You look like a true na’vi.”

“Would it be a problem if I did not?” Neteyam frowned, earning an amused glance.

“No, not to me,” Naìtvì chuckled. “I do not care for the number of fingers you have, beautiful.”

Neteyam flushed, taking his hand back. “Beautiful?”

“You are,” Naìtvì replied swiftly. “Care to spend the evening with me?”

“I must return before the feast ends. My family would wonder where I had gone.” Neteyam let Naìtvì place a hand on the side of his neck, drawing them closer until they were chest to chest.

“I’ll be sure to return you in time,” Naìtvì grinned. “Come, son of the forest. Let me show you a gorgeous place.”

Neteyam let Naìtvì lead him towards the tropical forests of Awa’atlu. The Metcayina was holding his hand as he guided them both, holding back large leaves so they would not slap against Neteyam’s chest.

Naìtvì led him to a clearing with wonderful, glowing flowers and curling vines. Neteyam let the stranger’s hand slip up his thigh, disappearing beneath his loincloth. Naìtvì had pressed him up against a tree, kissing down his throat – never his mouth – before laying him on his back on the soft ground. Neteyam let him untie his loincloth and settle between his legs, submitting himself to the warrior, gracing him with his soft whines and gentle touches as their bodies mingled together to the sound of the distant drums. Naìtvì lifted his hips with a hand on his lower back, adjusting the way he was lying as the Metcayina's hips snapped forward into his repeatedly, drawing moan after moan from the Omaticaya Prince.

Naìtvì had left a mark on his throat, which Neteyam covered with one of his larger neck pieces. They returned to the feast together, looking tidy, as if nothing had happened between them. The only giveaway was the small number of scratches along the Metcayina's back. They separated with yet another secret sign before Neteyam made his way back to sit with his father, loincloth just a little damp and uncomfortable.

The forest na'vi watched the warrior, realising that Naìtvì was boasting to his friends, occasionally glancing Neteyam’s way. Neteyam noticed some of the other tattooed Metcayina warriors peek at him in curiosity; his cheeks flushed as he averted his gaze, only to be met with Ao'nung's unimpressed stare.
Neteyam’s brows furrowed as he raised a brow in a silent, cocky question. Ao'nung was too far to directly address, so Neteyam settled on glaring at the Metcayina. The teal boy's cruel pale blue eyes wandered between Neteyam and Naìtvì; understanding dawned on his boyish features. Ao'nung shook his head with a sneer and a look of disappointment Neteyam's way before he was distracted by his bigoted group of friends.

Neteyam sighed softly and stole a piece of fruit from his mother's plate. She handed him the rest silently, slipping away to get herself some more.

Neteyam smiled fondly at her retreating back.

That night, he slept beside his brother, as he normally did. Neteyam enjoyed the closeness with the other na'vi, even if more often than not, Lo'ak slept sprawled out, limbs thrown all over the place. Knowing that his brother was close always calmed Neteyam down.

Ao'nung's behaviour was absolutely unbearable during their next lesson. The Metcayina took every chance he could get alone with Neteyam and turned it into a battle. Neteyam grew aggited with him quickly.

"You let him have you," Ao'nung hissed in the forest na'vi's ear.

Neteyam rolled his eyes. "It does not concern you."

"No?" Ao'nung whispered dangerously. "If it doesn't concern me, perhaps we should practice riding your ilu today rather than these boring breathing practices.

Neteyam frowned, cheeks tinting red; Ao'nung stared him down smugly, daring him to protest and give away more than he was willing to give.

Neteyam’s encounter with the other ocean na'vi was much too recent for him to tell anyone. Neteyam took a deep breath, nodding.
"Then call for the ilu, please."

Ao'nung paused, brows furrowed before he made a soft, clicking sound in his throat, attracting the creatures. In truth, Neteyam did need any more lessons on ilu riding, but Ao'nung was cruel and refused to tell him that.
Swallowing his pride, Neteyam made the bond with the ilu and sat swiftly on its back. Ao'nung watched him. His expression was unreadable. Neteyam struggled to figure out what the taller male was thinking about – he decided against wanting to know. The Metcayina seemed to be watching his hips.

Neteyam was just about to guide his ilu forward when he felt Ao'nung grasp the base of his tail, yanking him off the ilu and into the water.

Neteyam growle, bubbles flying up next to his face wildly. Ao'nung was standing in the water, waist deep. Neteyam grasped Ao'nung hips before tangling his fingers in the strings of the Metcayina's loincloth; he pulled them harshly with one smooth movement, hearing Ao'nung's pained shout even under that water.

Ao'nung doubled over, clutching his privates and cursing.

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