The Deamon

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The girls on the room below Thirdy and X's room suddenly woke up from the explosion that happened. Reighn stumbled to her feet to rush up to the scene where the exploison happened and as he went upstairs, he saw the rest of the group trying to get rid of the debris that was blocking the door.

"Is Thirdy and X alright?" Reighn asked the Kyler who was trying to break the large beam that fell over the hallway.

"I don't know, but I sense powerful magic just beside this door. You and Ean go oustide to check if they are alright, we'll try to open this path for them to escape if in case we are under attack." Kyler ordered Reighn and Ean and the two followed suit.

"Kyler is a tactician. I know he got some sort of plan." Reighn thought while trying to keep up with Ean who transformed into his giant wolf form.

As they opened the door, they were greeted by a scorching wave of air. Ean whelpped from the heat of the ground as if it was already forming into a lava. Reighn didn't think of the possibility that from an explosion like that, the surrounding area might get affected. It was basic science.

She found the master of the house shocked by what is happenening in the kitchen together with her children, trying to calm them down.

"Are they hurt? Is someone missing?" Reighn questioned the old woman who looked terrified.

"Yes, we are all alright. A few scratches at most, and no one is missing." The old women said while trying to hold back her tears. "It was thanks to that small cat that turned into a boy, we were saved from the explosion." She said.

Reighn let out a smile and her hands glowed green. After a while, all the bruises and cuts from the children and the women were all gone leaving no marks. "Ok, I healed all of your wounds and given you protection against physical harm that would happen for the day. Let's go out of the house and evacuate." She said to them, and the women followed her.

Before finally leaving the group, she asked, "You're not human are you?" Reighn just nodded while sensing danger from both sides. "I can't believe that there is a non-human who would save another human when we are hunting your kind." She said and bowed down. "I am truly greatful for the things you did to protect me and my family." And with that, they family left into the forest towards the church.

Ean then came out of the kitchen house and growled a little to Reighn. They both ran towards the front of the house and they saw that almost all of the houses has been burning and is being razed by the fire every second. They also saw dead and burnt humans.

But they can't seem to see who did the explosion. Reighn then felt somewhing weird in the air. "Ean! Run to the left!" And Ean did what Reighn said and another explosion happened. It was not as powerful as before, but the both of them got blown from the after shock.

"What the hell was that!" Rafaiel said, Reighn was shocked when Rafaeil came out from where they come from and from the air, Reighn felt another cold air heading towards Rafaiel.

Reighnn knew what will happen, there will be another explosion just above Rafaiel and she doesn't have time to shout out and Rafaiel will just question her so she helf out her hands and both of her eyes glowed green with an outline of white and her energy transformed into a cirlce of green and a pentagon of blue towards Rafaiel and the explosion happened.

Everything went white from there and the screeching sound can only be heard throughout the area. "Reighn are you ok? Thank you for the shield." Reighn saw Rafaeil slighly burnt from different side but no major damage has been done. Rafaeil helped reighn to stand up and they saw Ean Growling at something just beside them.

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