Memories From The Unknown Future

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"Hey, Where you able to find that monster!" A man shouted from the end of the alley of houses made up of bricks that are turning dark from all kind of dark smokes. People, or rather, guards are running around looking for something - Someone.

"Look over there!" One of the men shouted and a light of orange filled through the dark corner of the street. They found a young werewolf not older than it's supposed matured age, trembling in fear.

"I found it! There is that thing!" One of the guards said while pointing at the young werewolf in the ground, whose dark purple fur is shaking from fear. The young werewolf in it's was from tried to look from side to side for a way for escape, then he found a narrow space between the wall and the man on the left side of the two guardsman.

Stepping closer and closer, the two guardsmen is steadying and readying themselves to capture the young werewolf. They have no idea that the young were folk is readying himself to for an attempt to escape.

The young were folk move his head a little to see if there are other guards at the exit of the alley. And when he found that there was no one around, he waited.

When the guards are a few meters from him, he then used his powerful limbs to run towards the large space on his right side. It was a little late for the two guardsmen to react when the young werewolf passed towards them and they stumbled together while turning towards the direction where the werewolf ran.

"Finally," the werewolf said to himself in a swift breath when he was out of the alley. He then continued to run towards the exit of the town.

He kept running trying to avoid crowds from different streets. His hearing was enhanced since he found out that he could transform into a wolf. He used his untrained ear to detect if someone is chasing him and if he could run into someone. He didn't know that he is a werewolf. And he didn't know that his family is a werewolf!

He hears different stories about were-folks. But he couldn't still believe that he is one of them.

The last thing that he can remember at the moment is when his parents and sisters transformed into a werewolf and tried to run together but was separated when a fireball came crashing towards them.

Luckily, he seems to know that they are safe from this unknown connection with each other. He can feel their anxiety and fears. But he was relieved that he knows that they are safe. One less thing to think about.

He knows that he need to get out of the city before anyone can find him again. And this time, he might not get lucky.

While running towards the exit, he already saw the wall. And by the wall, he saw a large tree that he could climb to jump to the wall to reach get out of the city fast.

He readied himself and him ran towards the wall. But, he miscalculated the distance due to darkness and he nearly fell to the ground which was a few feet away. It was a good thing that he was able to get a hold of a stone on the wall. He then used his remaining energy to pull himself upward.

Upon getting up from the wall, he looked both left and right and then run towards the other side of the wall. he was amazed how large the world was. All his life, he wasn't able to know what the outside world is. Or how is the life outside of the city, now that he sees how vast it is, he was amazed.

Even though it is dark, he can see the green clearing and a few more meters wide, there were a large forest and mountains. "This is it. I hope my parents are safe." He said to himself and he jumped towards the other side of the wall.

While on the other end of the city, the same thing is happening.

"Mother" A young girl was trying to go to her mother's aid when an imperial soldier slashed the back of his mother thus ending the woman's life.

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