The Moon and His Knowledge

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"I wonder where are Noah, AmLorr and X?" Kyler asked Thirdy who was just trying to clean up his gun while practicing the new vision that Alex gave him.

"Maybe they were training or on a mission that was given by the Mistress and the Queen?" Thirdy looked at the elf. He only saw the lines that form what could be an image of Kyler. The silver haired elf noticed that the gunslinger was looking at him.

"You're eyes, does it hurt?" A little surprised by the sudden question, Thirdy just nodded small and smiled at him. "Does it bother your battle style?" Kyler asked again.

"A little, but with this, I can see what is beyond four walls without having to move there." He paused and pointed the gun on an empty space at their tent. "But, at the same time, my shots miss a lot so I expend energy more for those shots."

"I-i-it's good th-that you both are g-g-getting well together." A boy's voice sounded at the entrance of the tent and they both readied their weapons at the tent. With a quick reaction, the boy ducked and covered his head with his hands. "So-so-sorry, I-i-i didn't mean to be a threat." With tears coming out of his eyes, the two elves relaxed themselves and Kyler approached the kid.

"Sorry Luna, we didn't know it was you." And Kyler tapped the head of the white-haired boy. And suddenly, Kyler saw the world upside-down. And he felt the grass on his back as if he was already lying down in a mere moment.

"Don't treat me as a kid you mortal elf." The tone of Luna became aggressive and strong as if they were looking at a different kid. But then, Thirdy noticed that the lines on Luna's face suddenly grew into a different face. It was like an angry demon or something. Or so what Thirdy looked.

But as soon as the two realized that they were looking at a different Luna, the white haired boy became docile again. "So-so-sorry. I didn't m-m-mean to do that." He apologized and bowed a little. The two elf nodded in silence as Kyler was helping himself to stand up.

"N-n-now, let's go to my Library upon the moon." Luna clicked his fingers and suddenly, gravity around the tent was gone and they began flying around. But the things inside the tent didn't fly off. Kyler's body became light and he began to feel dizzy with the sudden movement of his body that he cannot control while Thirdy was standing still in the air as if gravity itself was already his forte.

"Where are we going, Luna?" Thirdy asked. But Luna kept his silence and then he snapped another finger and all of the sudden, the area around them changed into a desolate dark place, but they can still see themselves and the area. It was desolate, and a lot of crater around the snow white area. As soon as the looked up, they were shocked to see a green, white and blue giant orb floating in a sea of blackness and white speckles that revolve around it. It was their planet.

"Is that our world?" Kyler asked what made Thirdy locked up his lips down in astonishment.

"Ye-ye-yes. As you know, I am one of the essences that stand g-guard in our planet." Luna simply said and looked in a different direction. "See that?" The boy pointed on a large boulder flying in the space. The two nodded. "Now, you have to make sure that boulder doesn't hit the planet."

"What!?" Thirdy said loudly while summoning his guns and directly pointed it. The silver handguns glowed eerily on the white surface of the moon. And as soon as he fired it, no bullets of energy came through. Only a cold wind and a little smoke.

"Oh, D-don't forget that we are in space, s-so elemental attacks c-can be hard" With that Luna, raised his hands and emitted a faint light and it formed into a fist and with that fist, he threw a punch and the white shadow in the space propelled itself into the giant boulder and upon impact, the boulder was sent into pieces. Without making any sound, the now big meteor was now small rocks and pebbles that slowly drifts into space. Some pieces began raining on the white sand of the moon.

"That's scary," Kyler commented while Thirdy affirmed in a nod. "But how are we supposed to destroy boulders like that without relying on our powers?"

"That's for you to find out Mortals." And with that soft but commanding voice, Luna slowly vanished as the light from the sun covered the ground on which they were standing. "Don't worry, in this moon, there is air in which you can breathe." And as soon as the whole area is covered by the warmth of the sun, a lone gazebo stood up in the far reach where flowers and plants grow. "You can go rest and learn there, while waiting for the next meteor. Remember, stopping those meteors will ensure the continuity of the planet on which we live." And with that last sentence, Luna completely vanished from their sight.

- - -A/N- - -

Sorry for the short and long update! I was off traveling for my work and man, there are a lot of things I have to keep up! Don't forget to share this to your friends and vote and comment on what you think about this chapter!

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