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Everything seems to hurt, my stomach felt as if I had gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. The feeling of my brain getting ready to explode any second inside of my skull made me feel sick. The strong chemicals that lingered in the air filled my nostrils as my eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the bright light shining above my head.

Each item in the room shone bright like a star in the Arizona desert, the only colour in that room were the red grippy socks hugging my feet and the blue robe that hung on my body, everything else was white.

The air too clean and the bedding was so soft under my touch, slowly pulling myself in the upright position as I took my surroundings in, each bone popping as I moved. No blanket, just the clothes on my skin. Ah shit, here we go again.

I grumbled in pain as I slid out of bed, walking over to the door slowly and tugged it open. The number of patients walking the halls seemed a lot for such little staff. I dropped my head into my hands, rubbing my eyes with my palms. This has to be a dream. I survived downing a whole bottle of aspirin. Shame.

"You're awake. Please head to the rec room to take your medication." A nurse in a white lab coat told me as he helped an older female into the room across from mine. What did they give her? She seemed doped up.

The walk to the rec room was a little intimidating, this place seemed so different than I remembered it being years ago. The staff had always had a rule that they weren't allowed to touch a patient unless they needed to physically restrain them to stop that person from hurting themselves or anyone around them.

I noticed that the rec room still had the outdated television sat in the corner of the room, board games still littered the tables along with yarns of wool. A nurse stood waiting with a clipboard in her hand as I approached her, being handed a small white cup- almost like the old McDonalds ketchup cup, it was big enough to hold three medium sized pills.

She expects me to swallow them dry. They still didn't give a shit in this place. I rolled my eyes before downing the pills, lifting my tongue as she ticked whatever was written on her sheet. This wasn't my first rodeo in a place like this.

"Dr. Takao would like to see you now." Her arm extended in the direction to an office just across from the rec room, nodding slightly as I made my way over to the door.

My fist knocked on the hard wooden door three times, waiting patiently until I heard a faint voice. "Come in." I cleared my throat before entering the room. The door closing behind me, making very little noise as it clicked into place.

"You must be Lorelei." His swift hand motion towards the couch had me sitting down faster than I would've liked to. "You gave everyone quite a scare." He added, pulling out a draw full of confidential files of each and every patient in this hospital.

I kept my mouth shut, my eyes wandering the walls of his office as I listened to his soft hums, the files gliding through his fingertips until I heard a soft. "Ahah." My attention moved back to him as he placed my file down onto his desk.

"Lorelei Beatrix Bailon, am I correct?" His gaze travelled to mine as I nodded at him.

"It says you were here twice before. Is that correct?" Yup, whatever that files says is all true. "I see..." The click of his pen filled the void of silence.

No longer was it silent as he began to scribble down on my file, whatever bullshit he was writing was probably true. 'Mentally unstable, should be locked up for the rest of her life.' I shifted in the seat as his eyes left the paper for a second.

"You may lay down if its more comfortable, it's a get to know you basis. I can see that the previous therapists didn't like to write in your file." He told me.

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