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The drive to our apartment felt like a lifetime, I had texted Aristos the situation. He was a little hesitant at first, who wouldn't be? But as my cousin has a heart of gold and is much more loving than me, he agreed to let her stay at our place.

The girl that was there this morning was no longer there giving me a peace of mind that at least Lorelei could kinda rest in our place without it being awkward especially when I couldn't remember that bitch's name.

Aristos probably wouldn't see her again anyway; she seemed way too demanding for his type of personality. There was a girl that he loved in high school back in New Orleans, but one day when we were both at a party- she vanished. Not even her parents could find her, or my ex-girlfriend Sophie, her sister. It was like she fell off the face of the earth, she was a missing persons for a few years until they claimed that she was dead, the police closed her case that was only this year they had closed it.

"How are you feeling?" I glanced away from the road to look at her. Her head laying against the door, window down as she took in the breeze. — It wasn't hot, but it wasn't cold either. That perfect temperature that I loved, warm enough without a jacket, cold enough for wearing sweaters.

"Tired." This was a normal thing, the medication in that place left you tired for days, and she had taken one the other night so she could finally sleep but her body paid the price and almost drowned herself.

"I don't have a plan, but you can stay with us for as long as you like." Aristos was standing outside, waiting with a cigarette between his lips. Man, he's too much sometimes.

He's like how our grandma was, you'd tell her anything and her ass be standing outside waiting. I missed our grandma, she isn't dead, just back in New Orleans. I'll need to go back home or at least video call them.

"He's doing too much." I mumbled as I placed the car in park, shutting it off as I climbed out of the car. "Couldn't wait in the house like a normal human being?"

"I can't come greet our new roomie?" I mentally face palmed, I'm gonna knock him out one day- loving way. "Lorelei this is Aristos my cousin, but he's technically my brother."

"Call me Ruby." He held his hand out as she lightly shook it. God give me fucking strength with him, he really was going by his street name.

Aristos went in first and I followed behind Lorelei. She sat on the couch and Aristos made something for us all to eat. I needed to do something first which was change the bedding so she would have fresh sheets to sleep on, walking up the stairs after making sure Lorelei was comfortable.

I cleared my drug stash away, placing it all into my top drawer and the rest into a bag in my closet. I didn't need her seeing how much drugs we had in this house, especially when she thought I was sober for nine months.

"Why do they call you Ruby?" I could hear Lorelei asking Ari, she was enjoying a cup of coffee that was made by the pot.

"Scott and I are working on music, trying to get out there and do something with our lives, us two have alter egos and mine always falls back to Ruby da Cherry." He chuckled and I swear I heard her laugh too. 

We had been spending the last two years of our lives making music together, he was creating beats for some company, and I wanted him to send them over to me, but of course legal action and he was under them, not being able to give me anything.

At least he had kept our gang life out of the conversation, she didn't need to know what we did in New Orleans or even here, I kept my family safe. Selling drugs at the age of seven to getting into them killed my parents on the inside, however my parents were also addicts in their own way. My mom was a drinker, and well, my pops was addicted to working constantly, bringing the money in to keep food on our table, I was also helping by dealing.

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