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"This is Cora... she's your baby." Those words have been stuck in my head for the last three nights. How could this have happened? She never allowed me to finish inside of her.. ah but she did pin me in place one time, not the point. She's been keeping my own daughter away from me. Shit, wait she did allow me to finish inside of her. 


"Hi... this is Cora, and she's your baby..."

I started laughing, she was pulling my leg, right? How could this kid be mine; we hadn't fucked around that much; it was a constant battle between us two. "Now you're fucking with me." Last time we fucked was December? She wasn't pregnant then either.

"Scott, I would never fuck with you about a child." She took her phone from me, rolling her eyes. "I found out I was pregnant with her the moment I was giving birth to her on the bathroom floor in my damn apartment. That's when I found I was actually a mom." Lorelei placed her phone onto the table.

"This shit really ain't funny." I can't be a dad, ain't no way. I could barely look after myself, and now having to look out for a child that I didn't even know. Hell no, she couldn't be mine.

"Will you listen to me? Cora is your daughter, if you want a paternity test to prove it then I'll get one done, but she is literally your fucking daughter. From all the baby photos that I've seen of you, she resembles you a lot." She got up off the couch, laughing in disbelief as she placed her phone into her bag.

"Ruby, I'm going to go home... I'll text you the details." She mumbled, catching my eye. For the last four months, Lorelei looked a lot better than what I thought. I was stalking her Instagram every night, hoping to see an update, but nothing ever came.

"Don't leave because of me..." I didn't want her to go, as much as my attitude was shitty towards her, I couldn't sit and watch her leave again. I owed her an apology, but at the same time my pride wouldn't let me.

A soft quiet sigh left her lips as her gaze avoided me. "Lore..." She was already walking towards the door.

"I have to get home to my daughter." She mumbled so quietly that I almost missed what she had said.

"Our daughter." I knew that Lorelei would never fuck some random guy or get together with anyone while we were fucking, but that thought sometimes crossed my mind. She had a text thread with some guy from New Orleans awhile back and when I asked for their name she refused to say. Adamant that I wouldn't know this guy.

"Two seconds ago, you were saying she wasn't yours!" Lore stared up at me in disbelief.

"I never said she wasn't mine, I said you were fucking with me, pulling my leg. I never denied her." I corrected her.

"I'm going home." Lorelei budged past me, almost knocking me back a few steps as I looked to Ari once she slammed the door like she paid rent here.

"What?" I asked, earning a slow headshake from him.

Present Day

Now I'm sat here, waiting, my nerves trembling my entire body. I was supposedly meeting my daughter in an hour, Aristos said he'd drive us there. I couldn't believe that I was a father, no thoughts in my head could save me from this moment.

She didn't deserve an addict as a father, by the photos Lore had shown Aristos... Cora was beautiful and a happy baby. I learned that her name meant heart in Spanish, she was born nine days ago, and I couldn't believe she was sharing the same birthday month as Aristos and I.

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