241 16 7

Los Angeles, California


"Damn, the city of Angeles, y'all been one crazy crowd for us tonight. I want to thank you all on the behalf of my cousin, my brother, and myself... our lives haven't been the easiest over the last few years, but y'all keeping us going." Aristos directed his speech over to the 2,000 plus people that had travelled from a couple of states to see them in person.

The crowd of teenagers to middle aged adults all screamed and cheered as Aristos spoke to them, giving them the wholeheartedly speech that he hadn't prepared for, usually Scott would be the one to talk for the two of them, but since he was high on a product that he had managed to get from a dealer they knew nothing about- Ari had to take the position of being motivational speaker.

It was on this night a year ago that Scott's hotel room had been raided by the DEA, nothing could ever make me forget that night... no matter how hard I tried, how much I wanted to... I just could shake the thought from my head.


"Get on the fucking ground! Don't move!" The yelling in the distance could be heard from where we were standing, watching all the lights flash across the landing on the rooms. There was only a small group of DEA, not like the amount I would've thought there'd be to take down a drugs operation.

"Fuck, Ari... we can't just watch this happen!" I squealed from the passenger seat; the whole entire motel was being raided by the DEA; Scott was there. He couldn't go down for drugs, I couldn't watch him lose more in his life.

Their flashlights were the only things that could be seen entering rooms as they cuffed and escorted people out. I was frantically searching the scene in hopes to see Scott being dragged out, but nothing. They hadn't left his room yet, Aristos kept telling me to wait in the car, but I couldn't sit and watch everything happen.

I unlocked my door and got out, ignoring the calls of Aristos to get back in the car. I couldn't let Scott go down for anything, not tonight, and if he was, I'd sure to be there in supporting him. Scott wasn't innocent, but he didn't need to go down for any of it.

I ran to room 106 where they had Scott cuffed and face down. "Scott!" I yelled, catching the attention of the two officers that had him pinned to the floor. Two officers on top of him, not one, but two seemed to be holding him down against the once red carpet, now covered in black.

"Ma'am, right now we need you to..." I cut them off. I didn't need to listen to a word he said, not while he was almost killing a family member.

"You're making it hard for him to breathe!" I yelled at them; Scott was struggling under their weight. If he had taken anything, his body was already fighting to keep itself alive against the substance abuse.

"Ma'am, you need to leave right now, or we'll be forced to cuff you and take you to the station too." The officer that had his weight on Scott finally removed himself from him, instantly hearing a heavy gasp from Scott.

This officer was trying to kill him, he didn't care if the person they detained would be alive or not, they'd blame it on his drug addiction and say they drugs killed him and the case would be closed... in fact there would be no case at all.

"Ma'am..." Why aren't they listening right now? All cops are the fucking same! They were close to killing Scott.

"Is this justified to try and kill the ones you detain? Are you that sick in the head?!" I started yelling at the officer and he drew his gun out towards me. This was against their reason, drawing a gun on a civilian that wasn't even causing any harm except to his ego.

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