348 16 3

📍New Orleans, Louisiana
May 13th 2007

"Scott, get up, you're going to be late for school! I'm not having the social worker on my ass again for you not attending classes!" Toni yelled through to the younger boy, his answer to her was a distasteful groan. He wasn't one for school, constantly skipping classes to sell drugs for his senior friends.

Scott wasn't a normal teenager, spent most of his days locked in his room creating beats for nothing but his own personal gain and his hobbies. He sold drugs on the side at school, saving for his first laptop. He was goofy but also an introvert with the mindset of an extrovert, spending most of his nights outside selling to the streets of New Orleans.

He slowly pulled the covers back, sliding his legs from the bed as he sat upright. His hands ran through his rat's nest to tame it slightly. His eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the morning light in his room. The light on his clock glowing 7:28am, the grumbles never stopping as he slid out of bed and grabbed his clothes that he had worn the day before from his chair, rolling on some deodorant before he yanked the tee over his head then a 2pac hoodie on top.

"Scott Anthony Arceneaux Jr. you better be awake!" His mom shoved open the door as he was buttoning his jeans. The younger boy looked up at his mom then past her to see his two younger brothers laughing in the background.

"I'm awake, woman." He mumbled under his breath while spraying himself with a body spray. He grabbed his backpack from the floor then moved past her, slipping his shoes on in the hallway. He didn't feel like staying at home, mentally noting not to come home after school and to see the girl he had been fucking with a few streets over.

"You're not having breakfast?" She called towards the male as he was halfway out of the door. "Not hungry! When do I ever eat breakfast? See you later!" He slammed the door behind him then ran out towards his friend's car, his dad waving to him as he passed by.

"Scott, listen to your mother." His dad called after him, shrugging the man he was named after off. Scott had seemed to save his dad from wanting to die the day he was born, being molded into another version of his father. "See you later pops." He called back, completely disregarding what his father had said.

"Ay look who it is! Lil cutthroat." The much older boy laughed as Scott climbed into the passenger seat, two others sat in the back as he buckled his belt. "You got the goods?" The older one, driving asked.

Scott opened his bag showing the bag of drugs he was selling in school, the older boy nodded his head, impressed that Scott was able to keep the drugs at his house without being found out. He zipped his bag back up, placing it at his feet as they drove a couple of blocks to pick up Aristos, his cousin.

Scott and Aristos were brothers at heart, born from sisters but raised completely differently. Scott had a laid-back life, falling away from God while he listened to rap while Aristos wasn't allowed to listen to rap, being forced into worship by his mother and father. The two did everything together, if one was in trouble, the other wasn't far behind.

"Hey Petrou!" The driver called to the younger boy being followed out by his mother, his eyes rolling as he threw his bag into Scott's lap then climbed into the back of the car.

"You can't use the door?" His mom asked him, shaking her head as the younger boy shrunk into the seat, pulling his cap over his eyes. Aristos was embarrassed with the way his mother treated him in front of everyone, his dad was busy working as a coach and Russell's grill, the only thing keeping their home in good spirits.

"Behave yourselves." She warned the two cousins causing Scott to chuckle as he nodded towards his aunt, Kellie. His mom's sister was a lot stricter than Scott's mom, she prayed for the boys every single night while Toni was more religious but didn't mind a drink. The complete opposite of Kellie.

Tell Me When I'm Good Enough [Scrim Fanfic]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora