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May 1st, 2010

I glanced up at the building that I had spent three years of my life working in. The first year I had lied about my age, I was seventeen and although you had to be eighteen to become a stripper, I was only a few months off from the legal age when I started.

My hands tightly held my bag in front of me as my nerves slowly crept in, Scott was nice enough to drop me off and asked if I wanted him to wait around, I told him that I would be okay and that he should go home. He said if I needed anything he was only a phone call away.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and picked my head up as I shoved open the doors to the club, it's been months... new heads turning towards my direction as I stepped into the dimly lit lobby of the place I was going to start working in again. I loved and hated it here, always had since I gave my life over to them.

"Lei's back!" Onyx yelled towards other dancers. We hugged each other tightly as she squealed in excitement. Onyx really was a dime, anything you needed. She's got you. Her flawless dark skin made any outfit glow and I fucking lived for that; any color suited her but that emerald, green? Fucking slayed on her body.

My boss, Rico walked into the lobby. Lifting his hands as Onyx moved away, gently gripping my cheeks as he looked me over. "My girl, you're thin, did they not feed you wherever you were?" He chuckled and I laughed softly, kissing both of his cheeks.

Rico was definitely a mafia boss, but he treated his girls with respect. He made sure we had equal pay, beat the shit out of guys who disrespected us and always checked in on us. There was always side business too, drugs and guns being handled through the club, but if they were ever raided nothing would ever be found.

"Welcome home." He smiled at me then clasped his hands together. "Ladies! This is Lei, she's one of the top girls for the last three years. She needed a small vacation away and now she's back. I want everyone to make her feel at home."

A small black-haired girl came prancing over, holding her hand out with a soft smile. "Hi! I'm Emmy!" She seemed so lively. I shook her hand with a soft smile. "Lorelei." I mumbled.

"Business opens in an hour, let's go ladies!" Rico's voice echoed off of the walls and all of the girls headed towards the dressing rooms to put their outfits on for the evening.

"Lei." Rico called from behind me, turning on my heel slightly. "Don't let any of these girls give you a hard time. Come to me if you have any problems with them."

I gave him a soft smile then nodded my head before walking into the dressing room to start my shift for the night. I was going to be rusty as fuck for the next few nights, but I promised Ruby and Scott that I would help with their rent.


By the end of my shift, I was tired, achy, and wanting to go home. Four in the morning I had finished my shift, leaving the rest of the girls to finish the last hour themselves. Scott was waiting for me outside by his car, leaning against it with a soft smile on his lips.

I was still wearing little to no clothing, too lazy to change into something comfortable. I had my crocs on and a long jacket over the top to hide anything that could be seen. No one needed to have the thoughts that I was some hooker.

Scott opened his arms to give me a hug and I happily fell into them. "I'm proud of you." He mumbled and I laughed softly. He was acting like I had some sort of mental breakdown when in reality I was fine the entire time.

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