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April 9th 2017

Aristos and I were back in the studio, brainstorming ideas for our new album that we decided to start making. Our thoughts were no different, grateful that we could still make music. It was crazy that I had become a father at twenty-seven, raising her little life gave me a reason to stay clean. I was almost twenty-eight, living the best life I could possibly have with my brother and best friend, Ari. We had been spending weeks writing for this new album, creating the music that we had envisioned in our heads.

Cora was left with Lorelei while we worked away in the studio. She was slowly getting better and having our daughter around her played a huge part in her recovery with the addiction, seeing both of their faces every time I would get home brightened my day and made it ten times better than it was. They were the reason I was still doing this, still fighting to stay alive.

Lorelei had decided to take the guest room in the condo, I understood that she needed time to process and adjust to this normal type of life again. I wouldn't want to lay with me each night knowing I was seeing someone different, but she couldn't be mad at it since she's the one who left. I had fallen back into my old ways, fucking random girls- of course with protection, and never at my home.

A small part of me wanted to go back to that night at Kevin's place and put his ass in an unmarked grave. He hadn't tried to contact us ever since I held the gun to his head, but I had overheard our managers talking that we would most likely be going on tour with him again. Over my dead body, I'd physically kill him this time and what use would I be to my daughter if I was locked behind bars?

The ringtone from my phone pulled me from my thoughts, placing the pen down onto the word filled paper that Ari and I had been scribbling on for hours. Each paper hardly had any more room for us to write on.


Had flashed across the screen, with a smile on my face as I answered the call. I never did change her name from my phone, I couldn't erase her number when she left either, although we weren't together anymore, she was staying with me, in my room while I took the spare.

"Hey." I mumbled into the phone, swivelling on my chair as I faced the recording booth. The lights were bright inside of it after we had used it to record a couple of verses. We were still making our songs in the shed that had helped us gain our first few fans.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing you." Her voice, soft almost angelic. I was a pure simp for this girl, she could ask me to do something for her and I would be running like a puppy dog trying to impress its owner.

I let out a breathy chuckle. "We're just finishing up, you good?" I started to clear up the paper, placing them into a folder for the next time Ari and I would be here to write our music. I would transfer them onto my laptop at some point, just not right now.

"Yeah! Everything's good, uhm. I thought I'd let you know that everyone's starting to turn up now." Ah shit. It was Cora's birthday party today, we had friends and family flying out to see Cora for the first time. She was now officially one, time was flying by.

"We'll be there soon." I told her. I needed to stop off and buy a few things anyway. Having Lorelei back around and being there for our daughter, I was starting to see more of my family.

I could hear movement on Lore's side of the phone. "Okay, I'll see you guys soon." We exchanged our goodbyes then ended the call. It was scary with how fast Cora was growing, she was starting to walk like a pro by the time she turned ten months. She was still a little wobbly, but she could walk holding onto the furniture around the house.

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