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May 16th, 2009

Ruby and Scott had been missing for the last few days, I woke up one morning for the two of them to be gone. I tried to call Scott and it went straight to voicemail, it seemed weird that the two of them had just disappeared without a word or a note.

I had searched Scott's room for that duffle bag that Ivan had brought around a few weeks ago, hoping to find a clue on where they could've went; however, I couldn't find it anywhere.

I hated things changing, no communication and living in this house alone was scary, we didn't live in the best neighborhood. I would walk home with my keys between my fingers and pepper spray in the other hand, praying that I could make it home safe.

Everything had been a little weird since last year, Scott was slowly becoming cold towards anyone that would try to get close to him, he stopped coming into my room after a party we had hosted a month ago for their birthdays.


"I need to go pee!" I called over the music, Emmy's giggles drowned out the music. Our place was filled with people that I had never seen before.

The boys decided to throw a party for their birthdays. They were eleven days apart, but they were adamant to have a party for the pair of them, their friends all came through, but none of their family had, but I could see why; tickets to Los Angeles weren't cheap. Ruby was officially twenty and Scott was twenty-one.

I had been smoking weed more than drinking, Ruby and Scott kept disappearing throughout the night leaving Emmy and I alone, I was searching every face hoping one of them would pop up every once in a while, to see how they were enjoying their own party.

"I'll be back, do not move." I told her, squeezing through the crowded room- most of them sweating from the alcohol or the drugs they had taken. It was making my social batteries drain faster than I thought they would.

I didn't think the boys knew this many people, some faces were recognizable, and others were complete strangers. Our house overflowing with people from the front yard to the back. I was going to hate tomorrow morning, cleaning everyone's shit up.

That was the least of my problems since my bladder was begging to be released from the tension of the alcohol I had consumed throughout the night. Instantly running the rest of the stairs so I could use the bathroom. It was nice having a house party as an adult, no dumbasses were in rooms that they shouldn't be in, no drama and no throwing hands.

I closed the door and leant against the counter, staring into my reflection. The bloodshot noticeable through the red eyes, was it from the weed or the alcohol? We'd never know. My head did feel a little hazy from the alcohol.

As I was about to pull my dress up and panties down, the door to the bathroom swung open- panicking me as I pulled my dress back to my thighs. No one would be getting a free show! Not in this house, how did I not lock the door behind me?

Scott came into view. "Chill, girl." He held his hands up in defence as I slapped at his chest lightly. He almost gave me a mini heart attack, sighing softly- pleased that it was Scott and not one of these people.

My heart rate spiked, and I could've died right there, I had no energy to fight anyone off especially out of the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it, leaning his back against it as he closed his eyes exhaling slowly. His hair had quickly filled in within these past few months, dyeing it blonde.

He looked exhausted, the drugs that he was taking with his friends were slowly catching up to him. His social batteries were running low, I could see that. Scott wasn't much of a people person; he liked his small circle of friends while Ruby was the opposite.

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