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Scott baffled us with another kid moment, he was telling us that Tori had given birth last year to a little girl. Tori had been messaging him on and off playing about with the child's life and his own.

One minute she was saying the girl was his and the next she would tell him she wasn't his. It had sent Scott down a really dark path, wanting nothing but answers and he was always receiving nothing in return.

Tori found humour in destroying Scott's life, she had isolated him from his family and friends, taking family issues to social media and causing him nothing but grief. I had only been back in his life for a month and a half and I could already see how destroyed his life was with her being around. They were supposed to be getting married, but he had called it off.

Scott had asked his fans to stop digging into his life, he had hated who he was back then and didn't need anything brought back from the grave. He left that shit buried for a reason, from robbing people to selling drugs, it was his way to earn cash in time of feeding his addiction. He wasn't proud of it, he hated himself.

I forced Scott to get a paternity test from the court, Tori refused to do it, so Scott threatened to take her to the court. He didn't hear much from her after that, I think she hated that he had moved on from her. He never texted her anymore, he spent a lot more time around Ruby, Cora, and me.

He was the best dad to Cora; his family had finally met her a few days ago and he was able to spend some time with his family. Fixing the problems that Tori had created between the family.

Ruby and I had stayed in Los Angeles when Scott had taken Cora to New Orleans. I knew she would be looked after and watched like a hawk. It gave me time to be free again for a little while, to make me feel normal and not a mom over that weekend. Ruby and I had spent the entire weekend drinking, cooking and just hanging out like two best friends.

Scott had called a thousand times asking things about Cora, asking if he had done anything wrong while he had her. It made me laugh at how cute and how scared he was to have our baby with him. She was a month old, finding her voice while she was in her crib every day.

The day Scott came back with her looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks, panda eyes, hair a mess, he looked dishevelled. I and Ruby couldn't hold our laughter back, we were having the time of our lives while Scott felt like his was ending.

No sleep, meltdowns and how far she could pee while changing her diaper wasn't what he had in mind. He had forgotten her favorite grey rabbit that had a blanket attached to it that Ruby had made for her, G59 sat in the middle of its chest.

As of right now, I had placed Cora down for a nap an hour ago, Scott was making beats in his little makeshift studio and I was sat on the couch, flicking through Netflix to find what I could watch. All of these platforms were the same, I hated each of them, nothing new or even interesting. Scott decided to stay out here in Los Angeles with us until we could decide whether or not to move to New Orleans, I wanted to, but I didn't want to leave my father behind.

"I've signed myself into a programme for rehab." Scott's voice caused me to jump, glancing over the back of the couch where he stood right behind me. His hands gently cupping my face as he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. We were working on our relationship, trying to patch the broken pieces for the sake of Cora.

There hadn't been any screaming or throwing the "I hate you" words around. It was baby steps, but we were slowly healing from the troubles that we had both caused each other over the years. I was selfish to try and take my life while he was on tour, but this was way before we had Cora.

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