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November 19th 2016

Scott had changed. He was resulting back to his old ways, hating on everyone and everything that wasn't Cora. He had pent up rage, and I couldn't blame him for it one bit, the love of his life walked out of their lives for the drugs.

I knew he had spent a few of his nights searching for Lore. His mom, my aunt, Toni, had Cora for a few weeks while Scott slowly lost his mind to searching for the ghost girl. He wasn't using as much as he did since looking for Lorelei was his main priority. He didn't want their daughter growing up without her mother but shit just went sideways for him.

No one had heard from Lorelei nor had anyone seen her, it was as if she had vanished into thin air. Confusing everyone in that matter, her disappearance was out of the blue. Premeditated for sure, she fucked with Scott's mind a lot.

Lorelei's father blamed Scott and that impacted him a lot. It wasn't Scott's fault, he moved Lorelei and Cora out to New Orleans so he could be closer to his family while with the help to raise their daughter when they needed it. Tony had flew out to New Orleans when Scott had called him, telling him what had happened, there were words exchanged and of course Scott took that shit to heart. He hadn't stopped blaming himself.

Cora was now seven months old. She was learning how to crawl, keeping everyone on their feet. She was a happy baby despite Scott and Lorelei not being around for her much. I was slowly falling into the hole with Heroin after spending years begging Scott to get off of it. Shit was tough man.

It hurt seeing my brother result to violence in a way to get answers from people, his seventh ward persona was creeping in and there was no way of stopping it. Scott back then was crazy and scary, now that he was alone- I dreaded to think how dangerous he could be.

Yeah, we were in a somewhat famous band, but that didn't stop Scott from having people work underneath him. He needed that intel and had promised to pay a price to anyone who could find Lorelei for him, I know he wasn't sleeping all those nights.

He would call me to look after Cora and frankly I felt like her father more than what Scott was. I watched Cora take her first few moves in crawling. She was growing every single day and into a little devious one, keeping the family on their toes. Sophia loved her little cousin, she couldn't help, but love on the small being.

Cora was Scott's double, everywhere we turned she was causing trouble, hiding behind the couch with something she shouldn't have. It was cute the way she would crawl faster when she knew she shouldn't have it, her laughter would brighten any room she was in. My niece was my child, I don't care what anyone had to say.

Scott and I had a party to attend to for the upcoming tour of ours, personal issues couldn't be in the way of making money and keeping a roof over our heads. It had been several weeks since Lorelei had left, the beginning was hard for Scott, but he was slowly coming to terms that he would be seeing her again.

Kyle and Dana had decided to throw almost like those emo nite parties, a bunch of random ass people there and a few faces we knew. Scott didn't want to be there as much as I didn't want to be surrounded by pick-mes.

We had arrived in separate cars, running my hands through the strands of my thick hair. I was debating to chop it all off, start fresh, and no longer holding onto the past, but I also loved my long hair. The music was ringing in my ears as I let myself into the home, artists and randoms were everywhere.

I don't know why I said it was a house, it represented more of a hall than anything. This motherfucking room was like the size of my entire house together. Something that would cost over a million dollars.

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