do we really miss them that much?

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boys left, so we finally could have some fun! no one can understand my love for sleepovers. i love spending time with my friends, sharing secrets, watching movies and series, cooking and just having deep talks.

i really wanted to get to know aleyna better, because i caught the same vibe with her from the very beginning, you know?

i invited her to the room, we sat on my bed and just started talking and sharing even, as it seemed, the most secret things with each other.


"so, you moved to barcelona not a long time ago?" i asked her, mixing dough for future cookies.

"yeah, i moved to barcelona two months ago" aleyna answered, smiling at me.

"and how is it? do you like life here?"

"i love this city, it has a special atmosphere, but so far i don't feel like home. i am very grateful, that i met pedri, gavi and you here, you help me get comfortable" aleyna looked away as she opened the fridge to get the ingredients for the cookies.

"i had the same with england, i studied in boarding school there. it was very hard for me to feel comfortable at the beginning, but then, when i found friends, i started to feel much better"

we continued to talk about different countries, where we lived, what languages ​​we speak and so on. i found out, that aleyna is half serbian half bulgarian, what a cool mix!

we made cookies, while chatting and thinking about what movie or series we would watch.

"we should watch bridgerton!" aleyna shouted the name of this series.

"okay, we will watch series, don't kill me!" i immediately gave up, because if aleyna so recommends this series, it should be interesting.

everything was fine until we saw the spider on the wall..

"CATCH IT, OH MY GOD" i screamed and shouted, begging this spider not to eat us!

"HELP" aleyna did the same and we started to catch this scary animal!


after we caught this monster and put the cookies in the oven, we went into the room to set the tv to watch bridgerton. we wanted to start watching series and eating cookies at the same time, so we had to wait a bit.

it is not a problem, because we began to talk. it was pretty late and we had deep talks, which i love incredibly much.

we talked about our fears, dreams, future, about life before barcelona and shared secrets. then the topic came to our boyfriends.

"yes! he was with me all the time in the hospital, even though we didn't date and he had a lot of things to do" i remembered about how gavi was with me all the time, when i was in the hospital. his support was very important to me.

"and pedri did almost the same, while i was sick. i called him at night, waking him up, because i wanted to hear his voice. he immediately arrived, brought medicines and a bouquet of roses to support me" we both talked about it with special love, it was clear, that we were deeply in love.

"do we really miss them that much? not even a day has passed" i laughed and grabbed my phone to check if gavi texted me.

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