Thirty Six

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Third person POV

Bonnie says goodbye to Elena not wanting to hear her complain about what Alexa just said to her. Elena walks into her house and snatches her phone off the end table.

Elena furiously dials Damon's number and puts her phone by her ear. With a devastated expression on her face she waits for Damon to pick up.

"Hello?" He says completely unaware of Elena's mood.

"Do you have any idea who your best friend is sleeping with?" She huffs, fully prepared to rat her out.

"No," he groans "and I don't think I want to." Damon says disgusted by the thought.

"Well it's Klaus," she announces. Pacing around her house.

"What?" Damon gets a mental picture and nearly vomits. "Gross"

"Yeah, it's disgusting," Elena suddenly remembers something from the other day. "And she's got this bite mark on her shoulder..."

Damon cuts her off. "Stop, stop. I don't wanna know."

"What are we going to do about it?" Elena says fully prepared to add Alexa on the list of people to kill.

"You aren't going to do anything." Damon says "If you haven't noticed she doesn't really like you and if you provoke her she will kill you, regardless of what any one needs from you." Damon states "I'll go talk to her."

Annalexa's POV

Klaus drives down the street then turns in the direction of my house.

"You're taking me home, why?" I ask pushing off of my seat and sitting up straight.

"I have a few things to tend to and you need to pack a bag," Klaus says glancing in my direction then turning his attention back onto the road.


"After what happened last night I would feel more at ease if you remained with me for the time being"

"For how long exactly?"

"Long enough that no one ever thinks to touch you again" he snarls gripping tight to the steering wheel.

"I'm fine with that, I don't exactly want a repeat of last night." My wounds have healed, but I'm still sore.

"Neither do I" he says pulling onto my road then into my drive way. He parks the car and we both climb out.

"I thought you had 'things to tend to'." I say with the worst British accent imaginable.

Klaus laughs at my childish response and walks me to the door. "Suddenly I'm not aloud to walk you inside?" He says.

"I think I can make it the seven feet to the house with out dying." I say walking up to the porch and tripping on the first step.

Klaus catches my side and loops an arm around my waist. "I think I'm going to walk you inside."

We enter the house and instantly it feels wrong. I know Elena was here to get the blood for Caroline, but she didn't go directly there. I walk around and see drawers left open along with books every which way. She wasn't exactly subtle.

"That bitch" I say stepping back outside and lifting the flower pot on the window stile.

"What?" Klaus asks following me outside.

"She took the key" I mumble lowering the pot. I can't believe her.

"What's the matter?" Klaus asks as I walk back in the house.

"Just the fact that Elena is a control freak who can't handle when the world doesn't go the way she wants." I huff. "Anyway you should go, I need to pack."

"Alright" he says taking a step forward and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'll be back later."

"Okay" I smile up to him.

Klaus leaves and I begin my hunt for a bag to pack. How big should it be? Will he be weirded out if I pack I suitcase? I wish he told my how long I'd be staying. Stupid, dodgy hybrid.

About a week maybe? If not I can always come back and get more stuff. I grab a medium black duffle bag from the closet and lug it up the stairs into my bed room. I toss it onto my bed and head into the bathroom.

I grabbed my toothpaste, hairbrush and shower stuff. I juggle them in my arms back to my bed and drop them onto it. I open my dresser drawer and pull out a few different combinations of clothes and throw them onto my bed also. A grab socks and underwear and begin putting everything into the suit case. I place my phone charger in the bag on top off my clothes then zip it shut.

The door bell rings and I carry the bag out of my room and down the stairs. I drop the bag beside the door and open it with an enthused expression plastered on my face.

It instantly drops when I see Damon waiting on the other side. He sees my bag and instantly comments on it. "Going somewhere?"

"What do you want Damon?" I fold my arms across my chest and glare at him.

"We're you ever going to tell me about Klaus?" He asks disappointment covering his face.

I sigh "Elena called you." Of course she did, what else did I expect?

"Yeah. Why didn't you tell me?" He mumbles getting upset

"Last time I was in town you told me never to tell you who I was seeing."

"That doesn't apply when your having sex with psychopath."

"You're one to talk!" I sneer instantly angry with him. "You're the most condescending person I've ever met next to Elena. You both have this undying desire to know everyone's business and to get in it." I glare at him "The only reason you know about Klaus and I is because I yelled at Elena."

"She's worried about you!" Damon yells "We all are, what's stopping Klaus from snapping at you and killing you?"

"He wouldn't."

"We don't know that. And it scares the crap outa me." He slams his hand against the invisible barrier keeping him out of the house. "I just wish you told me."

"Well maybe if everyone stopped giving me the cold shoulder and acting as if I'm irrelevant I would've."

"When have any of us done that?"

"How about when you completely disregard my opinions and just completely leave me out of everything." I take a shaky breath. "I understand why you don't trust me, but I wish you wouldn't act like I can't be trusted with anything. I care about you and Stefan and everything I've been doing lately is to keep the two of you from getting killed."

"Alexa," Damon mutters not realizing that I'm always the one who talks Klaus down from hurting them.

"I think you should go," I say feeling myself start to cry. "He's on his way here."

"Okay" he says softly.

I close the door and push my back against it. What am I doing, putting a guy I know basically nothing about before people I've know forever? I should seriously think about the choices I'm making. I love Damon and Stefan like family, but I care a lot for Klaus too. I just wish everyone would stop trying to kill each other. I'd rather not get dragged into their mess.

I could do it. I could just pack up one night and leave. Completely cut myself off form them while they're like this. I could go.

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