Thirty seven

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I remain in my living room pacing back and forth waiting for Klaus to return. My door swings open and in strides Klaus. He notices my somber expression and his face drops to match it.

"What's wrong?" He asks briskly walking to my side.

"Nothing," I say trying to smile. "Let's go." I motion to lift my bag and Klaus' hand catches mine.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asks. Lowering his head so his eyes can watch mine.

"Yeah," I say suddenly unable to maintain eye contact with him. I glance around the room.

Klaus releases my hand and swiftly picks up the duffle bag. We walk to the car and I lock the front door behind me. Klaus loads my bag and we climb in.

"So what did you have to do?" I ask wondering what kept him.

"Hybrids are on the fritz since they left." He says "Daniel is locating a few things for me while he's gone."


We pull up to the large house Klaus has made and park his car in the garage.

I get out of the car and grab my bag from the back. Klaus leads me through the now finished and fully decorated house up to his bed room to put my bag away.

I drop it on his bed. "So," I say looking in his direction. "Do I get a tour?"

"Of course." He says holding out his arm motioning for me to link mine with it. I lazily drape my arm around his and follow him through the corridor.

Klaus points out rooms and tells brief stories about the pieces within. He showed me manuscripts form various people including one from Leonardo da Vinc that he 'found'.

One room was wall to wall paintings and sketches that he tried to walk past.

I tug on his arm and walk towards the room. "What's in here?" I push open the door and see a large canvas on an easel. Paint and other mediums are scattered around the room.

"Are all these your's?" I ask look at the extravagant paintings.

"It's a hobby of mine" he explains coming up behind me.

"They're amazing,"

Klaus' phone rings "excuse me a moment"

I'm left alone in his drawing room. I move to a pile of papers on the table and begin sifting through the pages. I stop on a picture of me, or I think it's me. The painting shows a woman leaning on a widow sill looking upon a city basked in night. Some of the buildings in the background have yellow light emitting from their windows.

This picture along with others have the same woman looking across various scenes: landscape, ocean, garden. They are all equally detailed as the last and each stunning.

"Forgive me," Klaus says walking back into the room. I quickly drop the pages and lean on the table.

"For what?" I ask making an attempt to seem natural.

"Something requires my immediate attention." He explains walking over. "But I assure you" he places a firm kiss on my lips. "I will be back to take care of you." He kisses me again before whooshing out of the room.

Well I look forward to being 'taken care of'.


A couple hours pass and I hear the sound of a loading truck pull into the drive way. I come downstairs as the main door opens.

In comes Daniel and a brown coffin. I just stare at him more than a little confused. "I thought you left?" I ask following him into one of the larger room.

"Klaus called said he need my help." He explains walking to and out the front door.

"Care to elaborate?" I ask once Klaus walks in the door.

"Bonnie relinquished the locations of the coffin to me so Daniel and I went to pick them up."

"Is she?"

"She's fine" Klaus kisses my forehead "Neither of us touched her."

Klaus and I watch as Daniel unloads the last of the Mikealsons.
"You've got your family back. Finally. You gonna open them?" Daniel asks drumming on the lid of one of them.

"Not quite yet. I still have some unfinished business to take care of."

"What business?"

He turns to face Klaus and I when Daniel starts squirming. A look of distress crosses his face for a moment before he drops. Klaus pushes me behind him and takes a defensive stance ahead of me.

Behind Daniel's corpse holding his still beating heart is Elijah with a vengeful glower on his face. He looks the same when he got daggered. Same hair and angry eyes.

"So Niklaus," he says lazily dropping the heart on top of Daniel's bloody back. "What did I miss?" Elijah looks at me confused.

"You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?" He asks to both of us.

"You look like you could do with a drink." Klaus looks back to me "go upstairs and no matter what you hear, don't come down."

I nod and walk out of the room and up the stairs. I grab my phone off the bed and call Damon.

"Hello?" He asks slightly groggy, or drunk? I don't know with him any more.

"Elijah's awake," I inform him.

"I know" he says cockily. "Who do you think pulled the dagger out?"

"What the hell Damon?"

"He's going to help us get rid of Klaus."

"So everyone is still on the path to get my boyfriend killed and once again I'm stuck in the middle."

"Listen," he starts. "I'm sorry the guy you've fallen for is a homicidal maniac, but we're doing this."

"I'm not" I hang up the phone and grab my still fully packed bag. I have at least a weeks worth of clothes and enough money to get me out of here. I write a note and grab a couple of Nik's t-shirts while him and Elijah are fighting downstairs. I crack open the window an drop my bag to the level bellow. I take one last look and take a deep breath of Klaus's room and drop out the window.

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now