Chapter Ten

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I woke to subtle rocking. I look up and see a clear blue sky, and settle into a back. Wait a back? My eyes shot open and I push off from the figure holding me. I crash to the ground, fallen leaves and twigs snap beneath me.

"Good your awake"

"What's going on" I ask the form who's back is turned to me.

"We are following Klaus"

I stand remembering the events of last night, and how Elijah grabbed me. I walk past him and stop in front of him.

"Why am I here?" I place my hands on my hips.

"I only did what my brother asked." he states "Ask Nicklaus when we locate him"

"Ok" we walk in silence for a moment before I break it. "How long was I out?"

"Three days" he says flatly

"Three days, what the hell happened?" "Were you carrying me the whole time?"

"I had to put you down to clean up Klaus' messes"

"Messes?" I raise an eyebrow

"The people he killed" my expression darkens. How many?

"Wait, he's just been going around killing people for the hell of it?"

"No he's still a wolf" something in the woods peaks Elijah's interest. "Wait here" he treads off into a thick patch of bush

"Where are you going"

"To give Nicklaus some clothes"

"Ok" I turn around, my face reddening at the thought of Klaus naked. I sit in a pile of dry leaves. Trying to steady my heart rate. Wait what am I doing? Why am I staying here, I should be half way home? I wait till I hear Elijah and Klaus talking and make a break for it.

I make it a ways away from them before I realize I have no idea where I am. Crap. I did not think this through. I find a clearing and go for it. I run to the edge of the bush, and check behind me. I ram head on into something I guess its a tree. I stand rubbing my nose.

"I look behind me for two seconds and I run into a freaking tree" I say to my self. With my eyes clenched shut I walk around where the tree was and hit another. "Damn it" I exclaim trying to regain balance.

"Going some where love?"

I open my eyes and see Klaus standing in front of me. He's wearing black pants and no shirt. I feel my face heating up. His body is perfectly sculpted, round collar bone, lean muscles and toned abdomen. I glance back up at his face, his gleaming blue eyes peering into mine. I some how end up starring at his lips, feeling the same way I did the night we meet. Being pressed up against him, my heart rate quickens.

"I'm going for a walk" I brush past him trying to get my blush under control. I start for a stream in the centre of the clearing.

"I'll accompany you"

I stretch my arm toward him "Put a shirt on and we'll talk" It's a little distracting, I keep wandering down to his exposed stomach.

Klaus smirks, turns away from me and heads back the way he came. "Coming love?" I lazily follow after him, having no choice and no idea where we are.

"Alexa" I flinch scouring my soundings looking for the source of the voice. I scan the trees, near by shrubs and by the stream. Nothing not even a deer. "Alexa" it calls again. I look around again still finding nothing.

"What's wrong?" Klaus rushes to my side. Now wearing a shirt, it's a black long sleeve. He touches my side, and looks in the trees then back to me.

"Nothing" I say, walking away to Elijah. He was leaning against a tree, he's always in a suit. It has to be uncomfortable.

"Alexa can you hear me" Now I'm freaked. I look back to Klaus then to Elijah nether of them acting like they heard anything. I assure myself it's all in my head, lack of sleep. Even though I've been asleep for three days.

The ride back to Mystic Falls is long and boring. Elijah is driving, Klaus is sitting in the front and I'm sitting in the back. Not a single word is said, Elijah doesn't even turn the radio on. We sit for four hours in awkward silence, no one knowing how to start a conversation. By the time we get to town it starts getting dark.

"Can I go home now?" I ask. Now that I'm no longer lost I don't want to spend time with the man that betrayed us or his brother.

I glance between Klaus and Elijah nether of them giving an answer. I stop and turn for the boarding house, nether of them even look at me. I keep walking checking every so often, nether of them even moved.

I arrive at the boarding house as the sun continues to set. I stroll throughout the door.

"Hello?" I peer around the corner "Anyone home?"

"Alexa?" Stefan stands before me with a questioning look on his face.

"I'll explain latter. Where is everyone?"

"Out. I need to tell you something." Stefan's face and voice grow serious.

"What is it?"

"Tyler bit Damon" I become pale "Bonnie says Klaus has a cure"

"Of corse he dose. How do we get it?"

"I'm going to offer myself to him. Klaus said that I would become useful"

"I'm going with you"

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now