Chapter twenty five

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Soft breathing lulls me out of my sleep. I open my eyes to find Klaus already awake and staring back at me. I pretend I'm still sleeping and cuddle back into his warm figure. A low chuckle insures me that my efforts are in vain.

He places a gentle kiss on the top of my head before speaking. "Good morning, love."

I don't respond I lay there 'sleeping'. I hold close to him, images from last night rushing through my mind. How close I'd come to loosing him.

"Just going to sleep the day away?"

"Yes" I mumble, un willing to move.

"Darling" he lulls, shifting to see my face.

Oh my god, my face. I let go of him and shoot up. I usually don't care who sees me first thing in the morning, but I hadn't taken my makeup off last night. I startled him slightly.

"I...I' right back." I say racing for the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and place my hands on the counter. It cant be that bad. Boy, was I mistaken. Eyeliner smudged all over my eyes, giving me the half dead look. I wipe my face clean, brush my teeth and
re-braid my hair.

I didn't expect Klaus to be there when I steeped out. I thought he would have just left. Thankfully I was wrong. He was still laying in bed looking at me.

A blush burned my cheeks and neck. I crawled over him to get back to my side of the bed. He lifted his arm inviting me back to lay with him. I did so, resting my head on his exposed chest.

The door bell sounds and I groan. I pry myself from Klaus and make my way down the stairs. The bell rings three times before I reach the door.

"I'm coming!" I holler at the door. I open it revealing a rather pissed Damon behind it. I sigh "What do you want Damon?"

"Get dress" he demands "We're going for a drink"

Remembering Klaus in my room I retort "And if I refuse?"

"I will drag you"

"Ugh. Fine"

I stomp up the stairs and laugh as Damon is stuck at the threshold. "Forgetting something?"

"Nope" I close my door and look for Klaus. "Nik?" I call searching around the room for him. My attention is drawn to a hand written note on my bed side.

See you soon love

I smile, putting the note in my bedside table draw. I grimace as I walk to my dresser, Pulling out jeans and a grey V-neck. I change and walk back down the stares.

Damon leading against my door frame "Took you long enough"

"Oh, I give you a choice. Bloody Mary or Screw Driver. Brunch in a bottle." He looks to Alaric and I unmoving from the bar. "Come on, I can't drink all this by myself. I mean I can but then somebody's getting naked." We don't shift or laugh at his joke "Oh man I can't believe you're making me drink alone."

"I'm busy."

"It's the eve of Klaus-ageddon.Your're doing homework?"

The sheer mention of his name causes shivers to corse through my body. I fell bad for driving out of the house this morning.

"This may come as a shock but I am not here to hang out with you. I'm here to see Jeremy. Who is an hour late for his shift."

"Kids today... Where are their values?"

"That's his mid-term paper. Copied it straight off the internet. Didn't even try to hide it."

"Elena's gonna be pissed" I pick up Jeremy's assignment. A large red F marks the front page.

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now