Chapter Nine

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Jenna is sitting with her knees fixed at her chest, and her hands around them. "What's wrong with me?" She glances back and forth between Elena and I. Jenna's face is frantic; she just learned about vampires and now she is one.

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena's voice is calm, but her body is shaking more than Jenna's. I can see the tears that brimming in Elena's eyes. She knows what is in store for Jenna if she's here.

"You called me, you were so scared. I should've realized it wasn't you...the second I walked out of the house someone grabbed me...a vampire grabbed me."

"Klaus," I mentality slap myself in the face. Damon did something stupid, and now Jenna is paying for it. Why can't he just leave well enough alone? Idiot.

"He made me drink his blood I don't remember anything after that...where are we what happened?" She glances around as if just realizing the surroundings.

"We're by the quarry. Klaus brought us here" I explain slowly not knowing how far alone she is in the transition.

"Why don't I remember anything?" She looks around frantically.

"Do you remember when I told you how someone becomes a vampire?" Elena says hopping Jenna might connect the dots herself

"Yeah if you die with vampire blood in your system.... Oh god he killed me" her eyes grew wide.

"Everything is going to be okay. I'll get you out of here" I insist not fully know how just yet. I look around. I doubt Greta could stop me if I made a run for it.

"I'm a vampire" it's like she didn't even hear me.

"And I bet your hungry" Greta's voice is like a knife twisting in a fresh wound, she's making it worse. Greta stalks towards us. I bet she couldn't do anything if I just killed her where she stands. I get ready to run for her, but Elena reacts before I can get to my feet.

Elena moves for a sharp rock at Greta's feet to attack her with, but she is thrown back. A circle of fire traps Elena inches away from Jenna. Elena makes a move to cross the barrier, but she's blocked. Greta is on high alert. There goes my chance at saving Jenna, thanks Elena.

"Don't bother trying to get through I spelled the circle... You're trapped no matter what you do" Greta says cold and uncaring. I need a plan B. I kneel down to grab anything I can use to jam into her skull.  I reach for a sharp piece of rock at my feet. My wrist cracks and the bones shatter. I retreat holding my now broken wrist. She just signed her death warrant.

Greta picks up the rock Elena went for and slits her wrist with. The scent of blood hangs low in the air. I felt my fangs pierce my bottom lip and my stomach burns with hunger. I haven't had blood in over four hundred years. I want it. I feel my face change as I again move for Greta. I stand ignoring the pain in my wrist. I slowly walk forward.

"No!" Elena screeches, not for me but for Jenna. I stop and turn to Elena in her circle of fire.

"Drink it" Greta pushes her wrist into Jenna's mouth. Jenna's face changes, black vanes surround her face as she bits down on Greta. Greta stands motionless for a moment only to pull away. She flashes her wrist at me clearly mocking me. She moves for a stone bowl in the centre of the clearing.

Greta lights a similar circle around Jenna the same as she did around Elena. I'm the only one not trapped. I look to Greta as if saying you forgot something. She ignores me and continues to walk away. To state that I will not be ignored I chuck a hunk of nearby bark at her. My aims a little off due to my bad depth perception, it just barely scraps her face. She glares back at me and, lights the same circle around be, but the flames were blue and much hotter than Elena's. I sit in the middle and start chanting.

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now