Chapter Twenty six

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"He was at your house last night, wasn't he?"

I choke on my own spit, completely shocked by Tyler's words. First, how did he know Klaus spent the night at my house? Seconded, why does he think he can just share that information. And third what the fuck.

"What?' Was all I could manage.

"What?" Came from Elena and the others

I instantly felt my stomach turn.

"I said..."

"Yeah, I know what you said" I interject.

"Well did he?" Elena asks regretting calling me over.

"When did this become about me? You invited me to deal with this. I motion to Tyler and Jeremy.

"This is weird. Klaus has hybrids stalking me and now both of you are just sitting in our kitchen." Elena says crossing her arms on her chest

"You called me remember." I state "If you want me to go, fine." I head to the door "Tyler, would you mind taking me to see Niklaus, I have a few choice words for him"

"Yeah sure"

We walk down the street Tyler taking the lead.

"Hey, Tyler?"


"Klaus didn't tell you to take care of me did he?"

"No, but I still feel oblige to help you"

"Oh, umm thanks"

We walk in silence till a large house comes into view. The out side look like it's just been built. From the work crew and the blue prints I can tell the the inside must be under construction as well.

Did Klaus compel them to build this, or did he pay them?

I return to thinking about how Tyler knew about Klaus and I. "Another question" I say beside him

"Fire away"

"Did he tell you? About him being at my house last night?" I doubt it. He doesn't seem like one to brag, it's not like we did anything.

"I could smell the two of you on each other, it wasn't hard to piece the rest together" he says keeping his eyes on the house.

"You can smell that? Weird" I felt my stomach drop. Could everyone smell it, or was it just a hybrid thing? We walk up to the door and Tyler steeps up to open it. I pause now unsure "Maybe I should leave" I mumble taking a steep back.

"Why would you do that love?" I smooth voice asks opening the door.

Klaus' POV

"I want more of an open concept, I building a fortress not a dungeon" I explain to an incompetent building planner.

I'm about to head upstairs to check on the crew, when I hear something faint in the distance. I write it off as Tyler retuning. That is until the familiar sent of mango incises me. I turn on my heel, striding for the front door.

"Maybe I should leave" Alexa mummers.

I get a firm grip on the door, swinging it open I look past Tyler to her startled figure. I shouldn't have let her go this morning.

"Why would you do that love?" Her startled expression is beautiful. I cant help but smirk.

"Umm" she stammers

Tyler clears his throat. I face him and my expression changes to a more solid one.

"So everything went okay?" Tyler asks.

"Yes, but I'd rather not discus this now" I refrain myself, last time I mentioned my plans Alexa reacted poorly. "Now love" I steep to her side and snake my arm around her waist. "Care for a drink?"

Annalexa's POV

"Water would be nice" I answer, walking with him through the house.

"Of corse" he smirks leading me through the construction sight. Many men turn around and gaze at me, they are meet with a furious Nik and a "Get back to work"

Once out of view and in the kitchen area Nik hands me a bottle of water. I see him fidgeting with a blood bag, unsure if it's rude to drink it in front of me.

"Drink it" I instruct no wanting his to feel obligated to wait. I crack open my water and take a sip.

"I don't want to put you in a position" he says lowering it.

"Don't be such a wuss" I say snatching it from him. I rip the tab off and hold it out in front of him. I can see the dark veins under his eyes.

"Are you certain this won't bother you?" He asks taking the bag from me.

"I've lived for nearly five hundred years, this won't bother me" I assure.

He brings the bag to his lips and drinks the contents. He discards the bag and looks at me, veins still visible and eyes glowing amber. He seems to hunger for something more.

I stare back at him, fascinated by the colour of his eyes. I take a steep closer, and bring my hand to his cheek caressing the fine veins underneath his eyes. He doesn't move he just closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I think about how just last night I almost lost him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down into a kiss. His lips twitch forming a slight smile.

My phone buzzes, I try to ignore it but it's persistent.

I reluctantly pull away from Klaus and answer it. "Hello"

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now