Chapter Twenty seven

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"Alexa, it's Elena," Her voice sounds erratic, "Get here as soon as you can"

"Elena, what happened?" I ask walking away from Klaus slightly.

"One of Klaus' hybrids hit Alaric a with car"

I turn to Klaus,"Be there soon." I lower the phone, a glare on my face.

"Alexa.." He starts raising his hands in surrender.

"This is what Tyler was talking about, sending a hybrid to run down Ric!"

"Please listen to me" he pleads

"You have the drive to Elena's" I explain walking for the door. I turn to him and say "You better not be seen"

We climb into the car, Klaus taking the drivers seat and me in the passenger side. He pulls out of the drive way and begins to explain.

"You have to understand this from my perspective." He starts glancing between me and the road. "What would you do if someone was to take the brothers from you, would you not do anything in your power to get them back?"

"Yes, I would. The truth of the matter is I don't care what happens to Elena"

This took him a moment to proses. He crinkles his nose as he tries to understand my words. "Then why do you always protect her?" He asks.

"Stefan and Damon" I state. "And the fact she's important to you" mumble not taking my eyes off the road.

He remains silent. There's no way he could've missed that. He turns onto the highway, without speaking a word.

"If I figure out where Stefan's keeping them, will you promise not to kill anyone."

He genially looks surprised. Definitely not expecting me to help him.

"Besides Stefan's been pissing me off lately." I lean back into the seat and glance over at him. We're pulling up to Elena's street. He pulls over about four houses down.


"Your welcome." I say pecking him on the cheek. "You owe me."

"That is a dept I'm willing to pay." he smirks.

I roll my eyes and jump out of his car. I wave and walk for Elena's. He drives past lightly honking.

"Idiot." I mutter approaching her door. I can hear Elena and Damon talking inside. I walk in and see them huddled around Alaric.

"He's dead, but he had his ring. Klaus's hybrid hit him. Now we just wait." Elena explains seeing me come in.

Jeremy walks away and leans against the wall, arms folded across his chest.

"Where's your vervain?" I ask motioning at his lack of bracelet.

"I don't know." He says checking his wrists and arms.

"It was Tyler!" Elena accuses, "It had to have been. That's why he was hanging out with you."

"To get you off vervain" I add

"Klaus is trying to send us a message." Damon adds. "He wants us to find Stefan who stole his coffins full of his dead family members."

"Coffins?" Elena asks

"Yes, all we need to do is give Klaus back his dead family members and no one else will get hurt" I answer her.

"Wait- that's your big plan?" Jeremy questions "To steal back four dead originals so this evil hybrid doesn't kill me and everyone else we know?"

"You got a better idea?"

"Yeah! Let's get the hell outta here! Pack our bags and go!"

"Hey, Jeremy calm down."

"No, no!! I'm not gonna calm down, Elena!" He yells at her "This happens every time, no matter what we do! Get on my case about school and work, who cares? None of us are gonna make it out of this town alive."

Jeremy leaves slamming the door behind him. We look at each other and share a 'what the fuck?' Look.

"He said he wants his family back."Elena says. Obviously meaning Klaus.

"No! No!!! I know what you're thinking, the answer is no!" Damon practically yells at her.

"If we give him Rebekah..."

"Yeah, then Klaus undaggers her, first thing she does is kill you! Frying pan, fire, not an option!"

"Actually, it is an option," I get strange looks from Damon. "Just hear me out, if Klaus get Rebecca he won come after anyone nor will he let her come after you.."

"Why not?" Damon asks

"Because he needs Elena" And because I asked him not to.

"What about the rest of you?" Elena asks

"We can handle ourselves, right, Damon?"

"Yeah" he mutters

Elena turns around a picks up the house phone, she punches in a number and waits. "Hey Bonnie, how many coffins were in your dream?"


"Klaus is looking for four coffins, just like in your dream. Guessing it's not just stress?" Elena says into her phone. Damon an I listen carefully not wanting to miss Bonnie's response.

"Elena, don't get involved. Whatever Klaus wants, stay as far away from it as you can!" She warns

"Klaus won't let me. Bonnie, he tried to kill Jeremy." Elena explains he tone changing.

"What do you want me to do?"

"We need to find Stefan. Look, I know that you don't think that your locator spell still works, but we have to at least try."

"You don't need a locator spell..."

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