Chapter One

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"Damn it Stefan I can help!" I snap at him. Stefan is average height and he has sandy brown hair. He's black t shirt, black jacket and jeans complemented his personality, strong yet tasteful.

"I don't want you involved." he explains, His dark eyes full of compassion. "I don't want to put my oldest friend in danger." he mumbles, if I wasn't half vampire I would have missed that last part.

"Me either" I turn to the source of the voice. Damon walks down the flight of stairs and moves towards me. He's in his usual white shirt and leather jacket. His jeans are a darker blue than Stefan's.

"I am over a five hundred years old I can handle myself," I whine "I can help Bonnie with her spell"

"No" the both state. Faces expressionless.

Seeing no possible way for me to win this argument I opt for cooperation. "Ok, fine I'm going home" what is up with them. I am old enough to handle a spell to kill some original. This guy said that he was not going to stop till he got what he wanted; he's already got Alaric's body. I walk out of the boarding house to the large drive way. I marvel at my beautiful car before hopping in and driving home. The roar of my1967 Chevy impala still sends chills down my spine. Being an older car I've had to maintain it quite a bit, but I could care less. She's a beauty.


My name is Annalexa, most people never use my full name; that is unless their angry with me, which seems to happen a lot. I was born in the 16th century in the year 1510. I have wavy blonde hair that reaches my mid back and sapphire eyes. Before I was turned I was a very powerful witch. I lived with my coven in a small village just a few miles away from what is now London. No I don't have an accent, sadly. On my 18th birthday I was turned by Rebekah Mikaelson an Original vampire and Klaus's sister, but something went wrong. I didn't transition properly, so I'm not a complete vampire. I was always told the spirits wanted me to remain strong; they stopped half the vampire curse from taking over me. This left me in an awkward in between state. All of my powers are in tacked because of the witch's efforts. I have all the perks of being a vampire and very little of the disadvantages. I don't burn in the sun which is a big plus. I could never get the stupid daylight ring spell to work properly; it always ended in a nasty sun burn for whatever vampire that was dumb enough to trust me. Compulsion is a completely different story. When I first tried to compel someone I accidentally compelled myself. Yeah, dumb move right? I don't even know how that worked, which was embarrassing, but I've got the hang of it now. My vampire side heightened my senses which is a huge disadvantage. I'm easily angered. One of the biggest perks so far in my opinion is being able to control which vampires can enter my house. Personally I love messing with people, especially vampires. The look on their face is priceless when they slam into the invisible barrier. Thankfully I do not require an invitation myself. Vervain is something tricky, there about a 50/50 chance it will burn. Sometimes it doesn't.

I met Stefan and Damon while traveling with Katherine Pierce. I met Katherine while traveling around North America. She thought I was human and tried to feed off me. The look on her face when I tossed her aside. Perfect. I stuck with her for a few years no longer wanting to be alone. We moved to a little town where we coned our way into staying with one of the wealthiest families. I became close friends with both of the Salvatore brothers. I truly hate what Katherine did to the two of them. She strung them along, she never could just pick one. It made me sick to see the way she manipulated them.

I pieced those two back together after Katherine turned them into vampires. The three of us were together nearly twenty years before they got into a fight. I not wanting to choose sides left. When I heard the two of them were living in mystic falls I got here as soon as I could. When I got here the first thing I did was head for the boarding house. When I arrived I met Elena for the first time. Man was I pissed when I saw her face. I thought she was Katherine and tried to rip her head off. I was told rather rudely by Damon that she in fact was not Katherine. I joined High School shortly after that to keep an eye on her. I had to be sure it wasn't one of Katherine's tricks. I became friends with Elena, Bonnie and the rest of their little group once I assisted them with their supernatural issues.


I drive down my long dirt driveway to my house. It isn't anything too fancy like the Salvatore boarding house, but it is a place of my own. It's a little white two story house with an oak door. Gardens line the outer front edge. I haven't tended to the flowers in a month so now their dead. Oops. The upstairs consists of my bedroom, a small library and a bathroom. The downstairs is your standard kitchen, living room and dining room set up with a laundry room tucked in the corner. It's not much, but it's my home. I stroll through the front door and drop my bag on an end table beside the couch. I make my way into the kitchen to get a glass of water when my phone begins to ring. I go back to my purse and dig through it till I find my little black slide phone.

"Hello" I answer monotone

"Hey Lexa its Bonnie"

"What's up?" I take a happier tone. I'm always amazing friends with other witches.

"Can you meet me at the grill in like ten, fifteen minutes?"

"Yeah sure"

I hang up my phone after we exchange goodbyes and grab my bag. I walk out the door that I literally just came through not very excited by the situation.

"Can't even get five minutes to myself in this town." I rant locking the door behind me.


I pull up to an old wooden building with neon letters spelling 'The Mystic Grill'. This place is basically the only good hang out in town. It's complete with a bar, pool tables and dining area. I shut off my car and relentlessly enter the establishment. I see Bonnie sitting alone at a table in front of the bar waiting for me. I glance to the bar contemplating whether or not buy a drink. Then I see him. The most attractive man I've ever seen and that's saying something considering my five hundred years. I can't help but stare at his sandy blonde hair and his striking blue eyes. I study the slant of his jaw and his sheer handsomeness. The black long sleeve shirt gripping firmly at his arms and torso catches my eye next. The collar of the shirt is open slightly revealing the base of his neck and collar bone. Some people shouldn't be allowed to exist, but I'm happy he does.

"Annalexa over her!" Bonnie calls to me from her table. I snap back into reality and take a seat across from her. I use this to my advantage, the man is in full view.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask not being able to take my eyes off of him. The man catches my bewilderment and gives a gratifying smirk in response. I glance down for a moment before looking back up; our eyes clashing again.

"Can we wait till Elena and Caroline get here?" Bonnie says trying to gain my attention.

"Yeah sure" I don't mind Elena personality wise that much. Caroline on the other hand; I've never met anyone quite like her. She is very confident and very cheery. It's not like 'I'm happy to be alive' cheery its more 'I'm going to drown you in my ocean of happiness' cherry. It's a pity she got turned into vampire by no other than Katherine.

I've become great friends with Bonnie. She's a little shorter than me but not by much. We're both on the tiny side. She has soft curly brown hair and darker skin. She is wearing a black shall and a dark green tube top.

We sit in silence for a moment before the grill's doors swing open. Elena and Caroline stroll through them towards us. We share greetings and start talking about the true reason we're here.

"What's up Bonnie?" Caroline asks in her overly excited voice.

"Are you guys going to the dance?"

A "yes" comes from Elena and Caroline.

"Ummm...." I stammer "I don't know if dances are really my thing" I mutter as if it is a big secret.

"You have to go. Klaus is in Alaric's body and I need you to protect his essence while I kill him." She explains very quietly.

The man at the bar flinches and begins to laugh like he just heard a fantastic joke. What's his deal? I look at him trying to find out what's so funny, but I come up empty handed. No one else seems to be joining him in laughter. Strange.

"Alright, alright, I go"

Caroline squeals

"But only to kill Klaus"

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now