Chapter Five

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I knock on Elena's door and wait for someone to open it. I can't believe I've never been here before. Their house is nice the same size as mine but their porch is larger. Stefan opens the door and is shocked to see me. I glance at him and step inside.

"Hi Jenna" she looks at me puzzled. That's right she doesn't know me. Well I should introduce myself "I'm Annalexa one of Elena's friends" I start, extending a hand to her." You can call me Alexa, Lexa or Alex, Which ever you prefer" I smile warmly at her.

"Nice to meet you" she says calmly shaking my hand. From what I've heard Jenna has no idea about any supernatural beings. Lucky her.

"Hello Annalexa" I glare around Jenna's shoulder at Klaus. He's still in Alaric's body waving a wooden spoon at me. Is that supposed to be a threat?

"Still kicking huh" I hiss, taking a step to him. "Lucky you"

"Alexa" Jenna's voice was harsh. I turn to find her arms folded across her chest.

"Sorry" I start "I just can't stand people who use others to get what they want" I glower toward Klaus hoping he gets the message that I'm pissed.

"That's quiet alright" he says with a smirk "are you staying for lunch?"

Lunch? Really? "Of course. I can't leave Stefan to deal with you now can I?" I say though gritted teeth.

"What is going on" crap I forgot Jenna was here, I let my angry cloud my judgement. She seems both angry and confused.

Klaus glances around the room and begins "Well if no one else will tell you I'll explain"

I lock eyes with him. "No time better" I thought. I began chanting under my breath. I trying to expel Klaus from Alaric without damaging Ric.

Stefan catches on. He calmly walks across the room and places a hand on my shoulder. "Not now" he says "not in front of Jenna"

I link minds with him. "If we don't do something soon Klaus will spill everything Elena has kept secret" I say into his mind. He nods. I learned to link minds when I was about 300. I learned it from a coven of witches in the Netherlands. Amazing women, they knew how to party.

Klaus continues to talk "Stefan you like vampires right?" Oh shit. He planning to spill everything right her right now.

"In literature." Stefan replies "the idea of something different interests me"

"How about you Annalexa?"

"No" is all I say I do not want to give him the satisfaction of playing along.


"Drop it" I was completely done with his little games; not to mention more than a little pissed.

"There is a legend of an Aztec curse placed on both vampires and werewolves." Klaus goes on ignoring my flat tone and angry exterior.

I look at Stefan "shit" I say into his mind. I roll my eyes and turn back to Klaus

"As I was saying" Klaus glances at me "vampires and werewolves are the oldest species on earth. Other than witches" he flashes a smile at me and I cringed. I was about to get to my feet to slap that stupid smirk off he's face when I hear someone yell.

"Get out!" The room grew silent. We turned to Jenna the source of the sound "Now!" She demands

"Come on Jenna" Klaus say as he inches toward her.

Stefan blocked his path. "She asked you to leave"

Hell yeah she did! Stefan is usually the voice of reason, but when someone he cares about gets threatened he changes.

Klaus throws Stefan across the room. "Get Jenna out Stefan." I call blocking Klaus from them. He runs to Jenna, grabs her and runs out.

"What was that for love?" He asks tilting head and giving a devilish smile "Did you want to be alone with me. Well I'm afraid you'll have to wait. I'd much rather be in my own body." he cocks and eyebrow at me.

I put all my force into hand and hit him across the face. "Like I want waste my time on you" I state before using my magic to knock him out. What a pompous ass. I step over him and go through the door.

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