Chapter twenty three

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My story is still on hold, but I felt awful not giving you a chapter in forever, so here it is. Enjoy.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim finding Damon chained to a chair with a fire poker plunged in his chest. "Damon!" I rush to him as he begins to regain consciousness.

"Lexa..." He groans, groggy.

"This is going to hurt" Damon gives me a quizzical look as I grip the metal. "On three" he nods in agreement. "One" I pull the poker out of his chest and lazily toss it across the room.

"That wasn't on three" he jokes, I begin breaking the chains holding him to the chair.

"What happened to you?"

Before Damon can give a response the curtains rip open revealing a bright sunny day.

Damon screams in pain as his skin begins to boil. I grab him and place him in the shadows.

I twist my body and look in the direction of the window. A wispy figure dwells near it. Before I can focus on the figure it vanishes.

"So who did you piss off now?"


"Bonnie!" I call after the dark haired girl.

"What is it Alex?"

"Damon thinks that when you sent away Vicki last night something went wrong" I was informed about what happened this morning.


"I don't know personally, but I found Damon chained to a chair with a poker in his chest"

"Even for Damon that's kinky" Caroline says walking behind us.

I glare at her then continue my story. "He's positive is was Maison Lockwood"

"How? Spirits cant make physical contact with our side"

"Is it possible the witch that helped Vicki is helping Maison?" I look for a solid explanation

"We'll look into it, call you if I need help"

"Ok" I watch as the walk to Matt, that's probably the best place to start. If it's not Maison it's Vicki. Since Elena spilled the beans about Klaus and I no one is acting the same around me. Their all worried I turned traitor, that I'll run to Klaus. They've all stopped trusting me completely. At least Bonnie is still somewhat on my side.

I walk into the Grill, my thoughts weighing heavily on my mind. I plop to the left of Damon at the bar, Alaric on the otherwise of him.

"I'll take a bourbon" I instruct the bar tender.

"Figure out what's going on?" Damon asks leaning on the bar.

"Bonnie's working on it"

The bar tender places my drink on the counter. I mumble a thanks and go to drink it. A hand comes from my left and scoops the glass before I have the chance. I follow the hand and am shocked by whom I see.

"Maison!" I cringe away.

"God I miss drinking" he says gulping down the contents. He gives a triumphant smirk then smashes the glass in Damon's face.

I get to my feet an prepare for an attach. "Easy Alex, wouldn't want to cause a scene" Maison states. I personally helped Damon capture an kill him, so we aren't exactly friends.

I calm down, letting my muscle relax. I stare Maison down, letting him know that I'm not to be taken lightly.

Damon interrupts us from our stare down. "Go. Find Bonnie, and fix this" he gestures to Maison.

"Don't get killed" I say smugly. I exit the Grill glaring at Maison. I go to punch Bonnie's number into my phone, but it was already ringing.

"Hello" I mumble into my slide phone. I stop at the curb and wait for a destination to go.

"Hey, I need you to come to the boarding house ASAP" she instructs

"Be there before you know it"


I can hear the girls shuffling upstairs. I mount the stairs and follow the sound to Damon's room.

"I'm here,whats up?"

"We need your help finding Elena's neckless" Caroline replies digging through Damon's things.

Bonnie's phone starts to buzz. I read the name. "It's Jeramy"

Caroline picks up the phone and puts on her scolding mother voice. "What do you want now?.....not yet.....what's going on......well it's not where it's suppose to be. Unless someone took it......well who do you think......oh and you be leave her?.....your an even bigger idiot than I thought. So wake up before you lose everything." With that final word Caroline hangs up and gently slams the phone on Damon's dresser.

"Well, that went splendidly" Caroline shoots me an upset glare.

Bonnie's phone starts ringing again. I pick up this time. "Hey"

"We've got the neckless"

"Be right over"


We are sitting in Bonnie's car on our way to the witch house, when we see Mrs Lockwood's car.

"What happened?"

As soon as Bonnie asked three tomb vampire stalk to Mrs. Lockwood.

"I'm getting out of the car" I state undoing my seatbelt.

"What?" Bonnie and Caroline both ask.

"You drive the hell away from here."

"We aren't leaving you"

"I'm more than capable to take them down. Find a way to send them back" I get out of the car and close the door behind me. They give a slight nod then drive off.

I walk up to them, they turn and look at me stepping away from the car. I stand still, giving them a 'come and get me' grin.

They each stalk to me veins surfacing. More of them appear from the shadows.

"Well? I'm not getting any older." I tease.

They rush me. One comes from my left lunging for my throat. I catch him and snap his neck, letting him topple to the ground. Two more come from each side. I use my magic to make their blood veins pop. Out of nowhere one gets a hold of my neck, cutting off my much needed air supply.

I go to rip his hand off when he vanishes. I look around confused then turn my attention to an awakening Mrs Lockwood. I open her door and pull her away from the car.

"Annalexa...." She blinks trying to focus.

"Just hold on" I pick her up and carry her to the party. Groups of people swarm us. I parented that she's heavy and some of the men take her off my hands. "She needs to get to a hospital."

"You need to head home" one of the older looking men says touching my shoulder.

"Will she be alright?"

"Yes, go home get some rest."

"Ok, thank you" I walk away, fake tear in my eye. I surveyed her wounds before I brought her to the men. She will be more than fine. I run home and go to bed.


How many of you guys are Buffy the vampire slayer fans? I've be dabbling in a spikexoc. No worries I'm not writing it instead of this story, I'm just considering it. I would love to know, drop me a comment.

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