Chapter Eighteen

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We took Rebekah to the nicest most expensive store. The racks full with name brad dresses, that weren't at all appropriate for a lady to wear. Stefan, Klaus and I sat on couches outside the dressing area. Waiting for Rebekah to pick something.

"Is this really what women in this age where, I look like a prostitute" Rebekah complains. She comes out in a knee length black dress.

"It looks nice" Stefan's says

"Don't lie to the poor girl, why don't we take her to an actual store. This place is for wealthy women who don't get enough attention from there husbands." I state

"I agree with Alexa, I want clothes like hers"

"Really, like mine?" I wasn't wearing anything special, just jeans and a black tank top.


"Ok there's a mall not to far from here, get dressed and we'll go" she rushes back into the change room and emerges in a her white dress. "Maybe grab something from here, you may get strange looks"

She glances down "Agreed"

In no time flat we made it to the mall. It took a while but we found a store she liked. She began searching through racks of shorts and shirts. A rack of dresses catch my eyes and begin sifting through them when Klaus approaches me.

"Find anything?" He asks looking at the black strapless dress in my hands. He leans on the the rack slightly.

"Your sister has the strangest taste in clothes"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at this store, it's all short shorts and belly shirts. Look at this shirt" I say grabbing a random shirt off a display "It doesn't even have a back"

"I take it you don't shop in this store"

"It's not my first choice" truly I'm not one to shop period. I don't understand how some girls can spend a whole day shopping, it's just so damn boring.

"Stefan, stay with Rebekah." Klaus hollers at him.

"Where are you going?" he asks

"To find a something Alexa likes" he says pulling me out of the store.

"You don't have to do this. I don't need anything"

"I want to" we walk in silence.

Girls point and Klaus and say 'wow he's hot' and 'who is she', every things fine, I'm use to stuff like this. When you go places with the Salvatore's you get noticed. It was until a blonde started talking to Klaus.

"Hi I'm Jen" the blonde introduces herself ignoring me "And you are?"

"Not Interested" Klaus replies. I smile trying to contain my laughter, but a little slips out.

"What are you laughing at bitch!?" She snaps, glaring at me.

"Nothing, just some bimbo that cant take a hint"

"Excuse me" she says sounding hurt. Klaus starts to snicker behind me. "Who do you think you are?"

"I'm someone that understands when a guy says he's not interested, unlike you. It must be hard not having guys fall at your feet."


"Sorry was I talking to fast?" I say sarcastically " He. Doesn't. Like. You" I say slowly. She turns and walks away "goodbye" I smugly wave. I turn to Klaus who's still laughing. "What?"

"Nothing. it's just you get mad at me when I get defensive"


"You basically attacked that girl for talking to me"

"I did not" I defend

"Believe whatever you want love"

Maybe I did over react a little, but hey who did she think she was barging in acting like she owned the place. I glance at my phone, receiving at text from Stefan.

Don't trust him

Well that's cryptic. I stuff my phone in my back pocket meeting Klaus's curious eyes.

"It was Stefan, him and Rebekah changed stores" I lie taking the lead. Making my way for a sitting area.

"We've been sitting waiting for Bekah, and now you want to sit more?" Klaus says following behind me.

"I told you already, I don't need anything" I explain sitting on a bench. The area is full of fake flowers and benches. We sit on a couch. An ice cream shop stands across the hall form us.

Klaus sees my intense stare down of the little shop and stands. "Come on." He say motioning to it.

A smile crosses my face and I eagerly stand up. We cross the hall and each order a small cone. Ice cream in hand we take a seat at one of the tables. Everything was going fine until my phone went off scaring the hell out of me.

"Damn it." I curse fumbling my ice cream and nearly tossing it across the mall. A section of the ice cream comes flying off and melting over my hand.

"I'll get you a napkin." Klaus laughs getting up.  

"Here." He says handing it to me.

I clean off my hand and bring my phone from my pocket. It's a text from Stefan.

Done it says.

"Thank god"


Hey this chapters a little shorter then usual, but it's just a filler. I thought that Klaus and Annalexa need to be alone, and that Alexa needed to start surfacing her feelings for him. I love to hear from you guys so vote and comment. Of you have any questions or simply don't understand what's happening drop a comment I will answer you. ^-^

I have to really focus on school right now. Exam week is coming fast and I'm sort of stressing out. I will still right but it might take a little longer.

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