Chapter twenty

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"Gloria!?" I search her bar franticly."Gloria are you here!?" I look at Klaus fear filling my form. "I can't find her"

"What was that at the wear house?" He asks leaning agents the bar studying me.

"I don't know, it was like I linked with her. It felt. Like something stabbed through me." I subconsciously rest my hand on my stomach. "That's why I need to find her"

Klaus glances at his phone. "Stefan and Rebekah are back at the wear house. We should tell them whats happened"

I nod and follow him from the bar. I look around and realize in my panic I ran here. Klaus obviously worried about me ran after me leaving the car there.

"Race you" I laugh. A nod from Klaus acts as agreement "on three" I position myself to run "one....two...." I ran before I got to three leaving him behind. I arrive finding Klaus leaning agents the doorframe.

"Cheater" he says grinning at me.

"Like it made a difference" I mumble walking through the door finding Rebekah and Stefan sitting down. They stand as I enter "Something's happened to Gloria, I think she's dead"

"How can you be sure?" Stefan asks looking guilty

"Call it a witch's intuition."

"What's going on?" Klaus asks Rebekah

"He was asking about Mikeal" Stefan opens his mouth in defence but stops "he's not with us Nik"

Stefan starts defending himself "she's wrong" he pauses "Klaus"

Without a word Klaus wraps his arms around Stefan's head and snaps his neck. He drops Stefan on to the cement floor.

"What the hell?!" I exclaim rushing to Stefan. I snap his neck into place and cringe. I sit there scowling at Stefan, how can he be so stupid. He should have known asking about the past was going to end up with him dead. Well more like temporally dead.

Klaus kneels down beside me and places a hand on my shoulder "Alexa.."

I shrug his hand off and stand up straight. "So what's the plan now" I demand. I'm left without an answer Klaus and Rebekah just start loading up their family. Guess we're moving again.

They throw Stefan in the back with the coffins and motion for me to sit in the front. If their giving me the cold shoulder two can play at that game. I simply climb into the back with Stefan, and rest his head on my lap.

"Alexa" Rebekah says from the front seat. Definitely wanting me to join her.

I get up from my seat and close the pull down door locking Stefan and I in the back of the moving truck.

A long silent ride latter we stop causing me to fall over slightly. The door opens and harsh light pours in. I squint trying to adjust to the change in light. Stefan wakes just as I adjust.

Stefan looks at whom ever opened the door "Just give me a chance to explain" he pleads

"No need" a smooth British accent replies. He jumps into the back of the truck and sits beside me. "I'm not mad I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think your holding onto something." I start to panic "a piece of your old life. The thing is she has good instincts borderline supernatural, so I thought I'd check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding"

"That's lovely, where are we?" I demand. Still angry that Klaus broke his neck and refused to tell me why.

"Mystic Falls" Stefan says looking out the truck.

Great Klaus is looking for answers, and he's starting with the town of secrets. This should prove to be tedious, this will only end with him finding out about Elena. I hope Damon heeded my warning and got her the hell out. Probably not. I cant remember a time he actually lisened to me, let alone did something about it.

Guess I'll find out soon enough.


Hey sorry about the short chapter. I'm leaving for a huge camping trip with my family in a couple weeks. The time leading up to it is jam packed with finding a good lake, making sure we have enough wood, seeing if the boat motor works and not to mention loads of shopping. There is no service at the lake so two weeks of no new chapters. I'll do my best to update before I leave.

The Hybrid (working on editing)Where stories live. Discover now