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Emma's POV

I just royally fucked this up. I should have never went out to Killian's ship and agreed to breakfast. Especially when I didn't speak to Regina about what has been on my mind. 

I head off to town hall to see Regina. When I get there her assistant refuses to let me in, stating she isn't meeting any visitors today. I tried to convince her I need to speak to her regarding official business, but even that didn't work. I start to bang on the Mayor's door, but she wouldn't open. I gave up being nice and decided to teleport myself into the office. 

Engulfed by a white light, I teleport myself into Regina's office and I see her hunched over her desk with her fingers pressed up against her temples.


"What the hell, Swan. GET OUT!"

"No, Regina. We need to talk."

"What is so important that you felt the need to abruptly appear into my office and disrupt my work."

"Regina. I just need to apologize.-"

"You did that already, this morning. I forgave you, although I don't know or care to understand what I'm forgiving you for. Please leave."

"I shouldn't have ran off last night."

"Oh? And why's that? Isn't running what you always do."

"Regina, I'm trying to be civil here. Can you just let me say what I need to? I got scared."

She's watching me, intently, but says nothing. So I continue."

"I got scared, because I was worried that I screwed up our relationship by kissing you. Gina, I love you."

She's still quiet. 

"I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. When you ran out that door the day I brought Henry back to you, I loved you. I loved you,  because I saw the relief that washed over you when he got home. I knew that he was loved and taken care of. I gave him up so he can have his best chance, and you gave that to him. So I knew I loved you. And that moment happened first, because just after then I was struck by your beauty. I didn't even know how to respond to you. Then I picked up on Graham, and I figured you were involved, in which you were. Through our fights and becoming adversaries, you grew on me more and more. God, I can't tell you how sexy you look when that vein on your forehead starts to raise because of how pissed you are at me. You were always a formidable opponent, and that was even more attractive. I guess when we were in Neverland my feelings were growing stronger. Our bond to save our kid made having a relationship with you even more desirable. I just, never thought I had a chance. So then I settled. I settled for Killian, and I thought I could be happy. Then Robin came along. He was your soulmate. You were happy, and I didn't want to ruin that, so I tried to put more effort into my relationship. Then Robin crossed the town line with who we thought was his wife, and came back, and then I was trying to save Killian, and Robin passed.  There was never a good time to explore a relationship for us. I want to, though. I want to so badly, Gina. I just don't know if you want to."

Her mouth is opening and closing, as if she wants to say something but the words wouldn't come out. So I walk up to her and I put my hands on her waist and pull her a little closer to me. 

"When Robin passed, I knew you were going to fall off the earth and allow your emotions to consume you. I wanted to be here for you, not because I wanted a relationship, but I needed to try and help console you. You didn't give me the chance to, until the other day. I'm really hoping that I don't ruin your progress and set you back. But Regina, I'm ready and willing to be anything that you need me to be in your life. A friend, a companion, or a partner. Whatever it is, I will be that for you."

She's still not saying anything, but I can see her eyes are tearing up a bit. I decided now is the moment I'll shoot my shot, again. But, there's no running this time. 

I pull her by her hips close to me so that her body is pressed up to mine. With my right thumb and index finger, I cup her chin to make her look up at me and I kiss her lips softly and let it linger for a bit. Soon enough she does melt into my embrace and she's kissing me back. 

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