True Love

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Regina's POV

I couldn't sleep. Images and memories from my past kept haunting me. The last thing I want is for Emma to wake up, so I slither out of bed quietly, put on a robe and head downstairs. I pour myself a glass of Apple Cider. I form a fireball in my hand and throw it at the fire place to light it up. I sit on the couch staring into the fire and drinking a few glasses of Cider. I feel myself get more and more tipsy or even drunk.

"Regina?", I hear a soft voice call. 


"Want to talk about what's on your mind?"

"Nothing, Ms. Swan. I am perfectly fine."

"You're clearly not" she says, taking away the bottle from me while I am pouring myself another glass.

I roll my eyes and walk back to the couch with my glass in hand, taking in small sips. 

"Go back to bed or something, I'm fine here alone."

"Your walls are back up. I'm just trying to help."

"You're always trying to help Ms. Swan. Has it occurred to you, that maybe I don't need it or want it for that matter."

She tries to embrace me, but I stop her. "Don't touch me. Just leave me be."

"Regina, please."

"Stop trying to save me. I don't need saving. I'm just trying to have a drink and relax"

"Okay", she says. I can see the hurt in her eyes. She walks back upstairs. I felt guilty watching her walk away, but I just couldn't pull myself together to stop her. I pour myself another drink. Shortly after I hear her coming down the stairs. She's holding a bag. 

"Where are you going?"


Before I could even say anything to her she is already out the door. Out of anger I throw the glass across the room, it crashes into the wall and shatters into pieces. I sit down on the floor bracing against the wall and pulling my knees up to my chest. I can't stop the loud cries erupting from me.  After about 15 minutes, I get up and try to clean up the broken glass. I scream from a sudden pain I feel caused by the glass cutting into my palm. I run my hand under warm water and wrap it with a towel. 

Shortly after wrapping it, Emma teleports into the kitchen. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I just got cut by the broken glass, it's not too bad. I'm fine."

"Let me see it", she says, taking my hand and unwrapping it. She holds her hand over mine and heals the cut completely. She's getting better with her magic.

"What made you decide to come back?"

"I don't know how to explain it, but it's as if I sensed something was wrong with you. I had to check on you."'

"Sensed it? How?"

"I don't know, Regina. I heard you scream in my head. It was faint, but I heard it. And then I felt worry wash over me for you. I was just going to pop in quickly to make sure you're okay with hopes that you wouldn't notice."

"Emma, I'm so sorry." I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her waist. I feel her hesitate, but she hugs me back too and rests her chin on top of my head, holding on to me tightly. 

"I'm sorry I left. I shouldn't have. I was an idiot."

"Finally, something we both can agree on" I say giggling. She pulls away from our hug and feigns being hurt by my words. I cup her cheeks and kiss her softly. 

"Are you ready to talk now, or do you want to try to sleep?"

"We can go up to bed and talk there, maybe."

She wraps her arms around my waist, picking me up and forcing me to wrap my legs around her so that I don't fall. "Hold tight, babe" she says softly and carries me up the stairs and to our bed. She snaps her fingers and changes us into fresh pajamas. 

"I see your magic skills have progressed rather quickly."

"Thanks to you, my Queen."

"Hm. I don't quite know where to start this conversation. And if I'm being honest, I'm afraid of how you'll see me after finding out more of my past."

"Regina, I'm in love with you. Nothing you say or do can change that. Start from the beginning."

"I know you are, because I'm in love with you, too. Tonight's events assured me of that."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how your parents keep finding each other, and how they always prevail because of their hope even though the odds are stacked up against them?"


"Well, they are the epitome of True Love. Even though they don't have powers of their own, they have the magic of True Love, in which destiny will always favor their survival and help them overcome all obstacles in their way. Patience and Hope is the key for them. When I casted that curse, you were born. You are the product of True Love and it was your destiny to break my curse. They were the providers for these events."

"I'm still not following."

"I've been thinking about how you heard me scream, because I did when I cut myself. You showed up almost immediately because you sensed that something was wrong with me. My theory is that we are True Loves. Unlike your parents, we both actually possess magic. Being True Loves, our magic is much more powerful and is now connected to each other. It's like having a sixth sense, that's just shared between us. Your parents always find each other, maybe we can hear and sense each other to an extent. Probably when we need each other most. Of course, this is all just a theory, but I can't think of any other way to justify you knowing I was hurting and needed you."

"Why hasn't this happened before? We could have avoided certain events if this were the case."

"It's one thing to profess our feelings and it's entirely another to truly embrace them. Over the last few days, we've learned and explored who we are to each other. I told you, I didn't know how to express myself well, and that also includes loving someone. Losing Daniel made it hard for me to open up to the idea of love. It wasn't until Robin, that I tried again. Henry is also my True Love, because of the bond we share as Mother and Son, which is how we broke Zelena's curse. It is a different form of True Love, though. Anyway, this, with you, feels much different than my previous loves. The love I share with you feels much more powerful and significant than what I've experienced with Daniel and Robin. Time and time again, you've saved me and showed me the love you have for me. I knew I was falling helplessly in love with you, but I've also been cautious, because I don't want to get hurt again. When you left, I got scared. I realized that I'd never be able to survive ever losing you, like I did with my past loves. Maybe that's why we have this connection now. Because of my realization. Maybe, Robin and Daniel weren't my True Loves. Maybe I just loved them. I would have to meet with Tink, and talk to her about this. She might have a more reasonable explanation."

She's staring at me, trying to process everything I just said. She pulls me to lay on top of her and starts to kiss me passionately. I moan into our kiss and break it to come up for air. "You're in love with me, Your Majesty" she says with a wide goofy grin and wiggling her eyebrows at me. 

"It appears so, Ms. Swan. I am in love with you." I peck her lips with a kiss. 

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