Fishing Trip

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Regina's POV:

Snow called and asked for the boys and I to go have dinner at their house. I figured it's time I go over and sit down with her. After David's kindness, I don't think it's fair to continue to avoid them, just because I'm wanting to be away from everyone. 

We go over to their house 5pm sharp. Roland runs up to the and knocks on the door 3 times, full of excitement. He loves playing with Neal. Snow opens the door and Roland screams "hi!" then runs straight in, causing us all to giggle. 

"Regina, Henry, thank you all for coming. Ready to eat?"

"You know I am, Grandma."

"Let's go in. Regina, would you mind helping me set up the table?"

"Of course."

"What's for dinner, Grandma?"

"Chicken Alfredo, with a side of asparagus."

"Awesome!" Henry says. 

After dinner, the boys go into the living room and start playing games, while David, Snow and I sit at the table. 

"So I wanted to talk to you both." I say. 

"What's on your mind, Regina?"

"A couple weeks ago, Emma wanted to take the boys fishing. Of course I allowed it. She asked again yesterday. Something just doesn't feel right?"

"What makes you worried?"

"We know Emma doesn't like fishing. Heck, she barely even likes being on a boat for a long period of time. So of course, the fishing trip is Hook's idea."

"I'm still not following."

"I don't trust him. What if he makes it a reoccurring thing for me to feel like my boys are safe with him, and when I let my guard down, they end up in a different realm. I wouldn't put it past him to have a magic bean on him somewhere just waiting for the right time to use it and pretend it came out of nowhere. I can't lose Henry and Roland, too."

"What do you suggest?"

"Would you both and Neal accompany them? She made it seem like I would be welcomed if I wanted to go, however, I have no desire to watch her and the handless wonder together."

"I don't think Hook would take It that far, Regina." Snow says.

"Well, did you ever think he would shove a love potion down Emma's throat, and render you and I unconscious to win her back?" David says. 

I am beyond thankful for David, especially in this moment. 

"I suppose you're right." Snow says.

"Of course, we'll go Regina."

"Thank you, David. I appreciate it. If anything funny happens, just call me right away. I'll be there in no time."

"You don't have to thank, Regina."

"How have you been holding up? You look like you've lost some weight."

"I haven't had much of an appetite. I'm okay though."

"Regina, until you start trying to win her back or looking for ways to spend time with her, you won't get better."

"I'm fine, Snow. I am getting better and she's happy."

"No. She only thinks she's happy."

"What's the difference? I don't have any intentions of breaking her heart."

"You have every power to give her True Love."

"It's a two way street. Can we please leave this alone now?"

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