Spiders in Meteor City Part 4

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The heat was brutal, you thought as you followed Feitan around a huge pile of broken refrigerators, and you couldn't quite decide which was worse, the heat or the smell. You'd been walking around aimlessly for hours it seemed and had now reached the outskirts of the city. It'd been long since you'd seen any living thing except for the ever present crows and you doubted you'd find any remaining ants hiding out here. To entertain yourself you tried picturing Fei and the others as kids, roaming around in this odd landscape of garbage. The image in your head made you laugh, prompting Feitan to give you a curious look.

'What funny?'

'I was imagining how all of you looked when you were kids, running around here. It's very hard to picture Phinks as being tiny in any way.'

Feitan laughed too, 'Phinks big even when kid. And strong. I small. First he protect me, then we protect each other,' he said fondly, then he chuckled, 'Now I protect Phinks.'

You smiled at that. Phinks did not strike you as someone who needed protection in any way, none of them did. Feitan looked around, 'He had motorbike, we drive for hours. Find many things. Practice swords. Pick fights. Good times.'

'That sounds pretty great. But I'm sure it wasn't all fun and games the whole time.'

'No, not always. Bad things happen. Some very bad things. But Phinks always there. Chrollo too, he everybody's friend, bring all together.'

You turned around another pile, startling a huge murder of crows that took to flight, they were so many that they darkened the sky for a moment. You stood quietly watching them until they disappeared, then Feitan continued the story.

'Chrollo make us do theater.' He chuckled again, 'We do voices for video. Make cinema for all kids. Clean Up Rangers. I was yellow ranger. Everybody love show.'

Images from an old TV series came to your mind. Mighty Sweepin' Power Cleaners? Or something like that? A group of colorful heroes taking on an endless stream of ridiculous villains. You'd enjoyed that show as well you remembered.

'Theater, really?' You smiled as you tried to picture it. 'I can't wait to meet Chrollo. He seems to be a very special kind of person.'

'Think Danchou like you. Make good spider, need little more strong.'

You, a spider? What could possibly have given him that idea? You opened your mouth to ask him when you were interrupted.

'Look, grown-ups! Finally!'

Two young boys slid down a pile of rubbish and came to a stop right before you, and you felt Feitan tense. Not that these two seemed threatening in any way, skinny, dirty and out of breath as they were.

'You are grown-ups aren't you?' the older one asked suspiciously when he noticed that you were barely taller than him.

'We are,' Feitan growled, eyes narrowing.

'Please, can you help us? Our friend hurt his leg, and we can't carry him back.'

'Sure,' you said, ignoring the look Feitan gave you. 'I'm pretty good at fixing hurt legs actually.'

They burst out in a steady stream of thankyouthankyouthankyou, and tried dragging you with them. Clearly, they were desperate.

The sound of an explosion made everybody jump and you turned to look at the enormous cloud of dust and smoke that rose in the distance. Feitan looked between the cloud and you, then at the kids' imploring faces.

'You go and check it out,' you suggested, 'I'll go with them and heal their friend's leg. Just come and find me here when you're done. We'll be fine.'

'Ok. You stay with kids. I back soon.'

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now