Five spiders, an assassin and a clown enter a building... Part 1

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The continuous buzzing of a phone woke you up and muttering curses Feitan crawled out of the oversized sleeping bag in search of it. You peeked out and saw him sit down on the edge of the mattress, holding the phone in front of him.

'Danchou,' he said, somehow managing not to sound like he had just been woken up after too few hours of sleep.

'I hope I didn't wake you up. I understand you've had some interesting days.' Chrollo's voice came clear through the speaker.

'Yeah. Interesting. What you want?' Well, so much for polite small talk, but you had to admit that you were curious too. Somehow you doubted Chrollo was calling just to inquire about Fei's health, especially since he'd already spoken with Shalnark several times regarding the small heist they were planning.

'I have a special job for you. Normally I'd ask Shalnark, but he needs to stay in Swardani for now.' He was quiet for a moment, 'Perhaps it would be convenient for a few more members to join the Hunters. Having Hunter access can be useful.'

'You no serious. I no want.'

'No, no, that's not what I meant. I don't want you to take the Hunter Exam, at least not now. I've done some research and I want you to go back to Greed Island.'

Greed Island? You straightened up and noticed that Fei did the same.

'How? No have game anymore. You say to sell it.'

'Ah yes, I did. I may have been too hasty, so you'll have to steal it back. The buyer lives in Yorknew, we have his address.'

'Easy then. Why you want me go back there?' Feitan glanced at you, and you slowly shook your head, you had no idea either.

'I chose you because after Shalnark you know the most about computers and games, and you have spent longer time in that game than the others. Except for Phinks of course.' He grew quiet, probably pondering Phinks's knowledge, or lack thereof, when it came to gaming. He cleared his throat and continued. 'I'm sure you can see why he's not my first choice for this. As for the why, I recently learned about some interesting cards that exist in the game which can be very useful to us. Especially with what's coming up. The first and most important one is the Angel's Breath.'

'Can heal any disease, or any injury. I know.'

'Good. I want you to get possession of as many of those as you can. But we'll talk more once you're in possession of the console, before you go back in. I think it's best if you bring it here. Then I'll keep an eye on it while you're inside.'

'Fine. Give address.' He glanced at you again, 'You want me go alone?'

'No, of course not. The girl is still your responsibility until she becomes a full member, so she'll go with you. I doubt either one of you will object.' You smiled at that, no, no objections from you.

'Good. Anything else for now?'

'I can send Phinks with you, if necessary. But I believe he'll be more useful staying with the others. What do you think?'

Fei shook his head, 'No, you right, two is enough,' and you felt your heart skip a beat. Were you really going on a real mission, alone together with Feitan? It seemed almost too good to be true.

'What about books?' Feitan asked, 'Plan set tomorrow, we both on team.'

'A few days won't matter. I know it will take you some time gathering cards in the game, but if you head to Yorknew as soon as you're done with this job, it'll be perfect.'

'I take care everything. You still fight in Arena?'

'Yes, it's slow and tedious, but I've picked up a few new interesting abilities. Still, it'll be months before I'll reach the two-hundredth floor, and after that, I'll need even more time to become a floor master.'

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now