A Gathering of Spiders at the Arena

477 21 11

So, a slightly longer chapter this time. Happy New Year everybody! <3


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Despite the early morning, the street outside the Arena building was bustling with people, and there was a long queue of what you supposed was hopeful fighters wanting their shot at glory and riches. Feitan gave them a quick glance and a disdainful huff.

'Pathetic,' he muttered as you continued past them and headed inside, only to be met by large screens showing highlights from matches, as well as large posters on the walls featuring the most popular fighters.

You watched them a bit warily as you remembered that Hisoka used to fight here, but his face didn't seem to be anywhere, and he was still in Swardani with Illumi. Instead, you searched the screens hoping for a glimpse of Chrollo. You knew he was strong, but besides his book you had no idea what abilities he had, and you had to admit you were more than a little curious.

'Perhaps we can watch a few matches while we're here,' you suggested but Feitan looked less than thrilled.

'Just watch no fun.'

'So, you've never considered joining?' He'd do very well if he entered, you thought, as would most of the spiders. Though he'd probably consider the whole thing stupid and a waste of his time. Not to mention that none of his opponents would survive.

'Humph. Is stupid,' Feitan grumbled, confirming your thought. 'No sure why Danchou agree fight here.'

'He did mention some plan...' You started, and he sighed.

'Danchou think too much again. Waste months here. At least he steal some good abilities.'

'How far is he now, do you know?'

You'd spotted some huge boards ahead of you that seemed to be ranking fighters, but even squinting you couldn't really make out the names from this distance.

'No sure. Hundred something. You can ask when we find him.' He looked around sighing, then pulled out his phone. 'This place like maze.'

Looking around you agreed. With its 251 floors and castle-like structure with multiple towers, Heaven's Arena was like a small city in itself and a maze was a good way to describe it. Somehow you got caught up watching a match on one of the many screens, despite it not being all that spectacular. As far as you could see neither participant was using nen, but were just more or less mindlessly pounding on each other. Feitan was definitely right about at least some of these matches being stupid.

He poked you on the arm, interrupting your thoughts, and you looked away from the screen to see a short figure waving at you.

'It's good to see you. Our rooms are this way,' Kortopi said as he led you to one of the many elevators.

'It's nice to see you too,' you smiled and he turned around just enough that you could catch a glimpse of one of his eyes peeking out from the wall of ash-colored hair covering his face. You'd never seen his face, you realized, and you briefly wondered if the other spiders knew what he actually looked like under the long hair.

The three of you were heading down a long hallway when a door further up opened and a giant figure stepped out.

'Hi there Franklin,' you called and he raised a hand as he walked toward you.

'Hi there rookie. Fei. Danchou is waiting for you.' He turned to Kortopi, 'And we've got things to do.'

'Okay,' Kortopi said, turning around again, 'then I'll see you when you get back. I almost wish I could go with you, I had lots of fun on that island last time.' He shrugged, 'So I hope you'll have plenty of good stories to share.'

Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a Web of SpidersWhere stories live. Discover now