Bait for the Hunters Part 1

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No chapter warnings, except for a bit of smut.

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'Machi, you're back,' you squealed happily when you entered the kitchen and saw her sitting opposite Shalnark, sharing some takeout food.

She gave you a little wave and smiled when you joined them at the table.

'I heard about your little adventure, so I decided to stop by,' she pushed a box with some sort of nuggets closer to you, and you gratefully took one. 'I was close by anyway.'

She looked around, 'So, where's Fei?'

'Still sleeping, he has some catching up to do.'

Shalnark nodded, 'Yeah, he's kept himself real busy the last few days.'

You gave him a stern look, you were sure he knew more about what Fei was up to than he let you know. As if he had read your mind he gave you an infuriatingly sunny smile with an accompanying wink, but of course offered no information. You resisted an urge to stick your tongue out at him, sighed, and turned to Machi instead.

'Are you staying for a while? I have some ideas to improve my healing abilities, so if you have time I'd love to go over them with you.'

'Sure, I'll hang around for a few days. It's not like I have pressing business anywhere else, and besides, Shizuku said something about the three of us having a girls' night out. That could be fun.'

You'd forgotten about that, but yes, that could definitely be fun.

'Great,' you said smiling at her, 'and I'm really glad that you're back.'

'Yeah, I almost can't remember the last time so many of us were together for such a long period. It's pretty nice, isn't it?' Shal said unleashing his smile at her, only for her to roll her eyes at him. He turned to you instead,

'Oh, yes, I should tell you both that I spoke with Chrollo earlier and told him about last night. He's very curious about both this new group as well as the scientist and his little gadgets.'

'Curious? Not like...worried?' Both Shalnark and Machi laughed at your question.

'No, not really. He wants us to try and lure them out, then when we know more we'll steal their inventions, perhaps snatch their scientist as well,' Shalnark said, and Machi added,

'If he's as good as we think he is Danchou might want to recruit him.'

'Lure them out? Wait, you're not thinking to use yourself as bait, are you? That sounds like a really bad idea.'

He laughed,

'Yeah, sort of. Since we have no idea who they are, or what they look like, this is the easiest way to do it. Not just me though, all of us. But of course we'll be careful. No one should be walking around alone.'

'We'll team up and go around being visible around town, and hopefully, they'll come to us,' Machi said, 'Nobu and Shizuku are on their way here as well.'


You lit up, this was good news. You'd missed them both, especially Shizuku.

'Yeah, since we know this group is active here in town it makes sense to bring back more of us.'

In a twisted way, the plan made sense. Still, using themselves as live bait seemed unnecessarily risky. Who knew what other strange inventions this group had, or how powerful the members were? It wasn't like the Hunter Assassination was made up of weaklings, they were all pretty talented and strong nen users. A group with power like that, fueled by hatred and anger, should not be underestimated.

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