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𝘙𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩, 𝘕𝘊 | 𝘈𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵
𝘕𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘪 𝘚𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘩, 22

Jahari opened the door to the restaurant letting her leave out first. They went on a date today because both of them been busy lately.

She was planning her baby shower and he was working a lot more than before.

"I'm tired" She spoke as they walked to his car.

"You always tired, we not finna go home tho."
"Where we going?"

"Wea ever you wanna go, I just don't wanna go home right now."

"But don't you gotta pick the kids up from school?"

"You right, we can still find sum to dow it them tho."

"We can get ice cream. Amir said he wanted some ice cream."

Jahari gave her a side eye then opened the door for her. After they both got in he went to pick the kids up from school.

"I wanna go to the pool. Not to get in just to look cute n stuff."

"Ite we can get ice cream onna way."

"Why y'all so quiet? Y'all ain't even speak when y'all got in the car." Niamani spoke turning around to look at them.

"Mommy told us not to talk to y'all." Camille responded "When you see yo mama?" Jahari asked

"Her bring us lunch today."

"When she tell y'all stuff like det ignore her, y'all can talk to us."

"Okay. I have a boyfriend daddy."

"No da hell you don't." He responded making Niamani laugh "I do, him name Parker."

"That's my friend he is not your boyfriend Camille." Jackson finally spoke. "Him is!"

"Mani you better get her fa I do."

"Camille you too young for a boyfriend right now. Maybe when you get to middle school you can have a boyfriend."

"Then you gone lie to her." Jahari mumbled

"It's a part of life it's gone happen one day just not while you in kindergarten Camille."

"Not talk to me." She mugged and turned away from Niamani with her arms crossed. "See now i'm the bad guy."

"Better you than me." He shrugged "You ain't no good Jahari."



"I'm sick of yo shit Leslie. Why is you tryna turn my kids against me? They ain't got nun to do wit dis!"

While Jahari fussed her out Niamani just sat there and ate her dinner. Whenever they got into it she just minded her business.

"Because you're weird I wish we didn't have to deal with you."

"Youn think I feel the same way about you? Where was all dis energy when I was tryna fix our relationship? Now all of a sudden you love me n miss me n allat other bullshit. Ion want nun to do witcho lame ass."

"By the time you tried to fix it you had already cheated so it was never gonna work. Go take care of your new girlfriend and baby, leave me alone."

"Don't bring me in it." Niamani mumbled

Once Jahari got off the phone he laid down silently not saying anything. Niamani finished her food then threw the container away.

"It's gone be okay. Just do what you gotta do for yo kids n let her be. They more important than anything n arguing with her everyday definitely ain't worth it."

"She tryna make my kids hate me. As much as ion like her ion I wouldn't do no weird shit like det."

"Stop giving her yo attention that's all she want Jahari. The more you feed into it the pettier she gone be. Have a talk with the kids so they have an understanding and just let it be. You can't win with people like that cs she gone do everything in her power to make you feel miserable."

"When you drop please beat some sense into her ass. On my mama sheen gone be satisfied til somebody just beat her ass."

"I'm not finna fight yo wife Jahari. Ion do shit like that, you shoulda just left me alone you would still have yo family."

"She depressed from losing the baby not too long ago. She ain't never get no professional help so I feel like she startin' shit wit me cs she jealous."

"That could be true. That's why y'all need to just talk and stop yelling at each other. Arguing ain't gone do shit nor make anything better."

"I'm willin' to do allat but she the one being bitter as hell. It's always her ass doin' the most."

"Just go to her house or meet while the kids in school and talk to her, adult to adult. Don't yell be patient n try to negotiate with her."

"It ain't gone be det easy but imma try my best."

"As long as you try that's all that matter. If you try she can't say that you didn't. I know youn wanna go to court but if that's what it come down to then just do it."

"Dets last resort type shit. It ain't det ion want them to see her cs I do. But if she gone be on dis type shit they not gone see her ass at all."

"You they dad so if you feel like that's what you gotta do then that's just what you gone have to do."

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘙𝘌𝘛Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora