Why her? - Part 2

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Y/n Y/l/n

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Y/n Y/l/n

A few days later

„I'm sorry what?!!!" I hiss, abruptly standing up from the chair in the middle of the room. Silence cuts through the room like a knife, all of their eyes on me. My body starts to heat up, my heart freezes and my mind, my mind is all over the place, trying to comprehend that this is in fact reality.

„We have come to this decision together and although we will miss you, we believe it's best for your health if you take a break but." The man says, his face emotionless as I watch sweat drip down his forehead.

My hand starts twitching, but before I react I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

„Okay." I whisper, trying to hold back the tears.

I sit back down, emotions shooting through my body as I sit frozen in place. My manager starts talking to the members of the club.

I let out a cough, everyone's eyes still on me.

„If you'll excuse me."

And before anyone can insist, I walk out of the door and straight to the bathroom. As I exit I feel Sarina's eyes on me to my right, sending me a empathetic look as she glares at the man infront of my seat. My body starts struggling as I feel myself starting to choke. Quickly I rush to the toilet and bend over, my stomache emptying itself as tears stream down my face.
When I'm done, I sit on the floor of the bathroom in the building I would have, until moments ago, called my second home. Time passes, and for the first time in forever I don't care how much of it passes and I definitely don't care if I'm wasting it. The light turns off after a few minutes and I sit in the dark, wondering where the hell I went wrong.

A bit more than a year before

Doorbell rings

„Ella please get that, they're your friends!" I yell from my room, putting back on my headset as I go back to COD. I hear Ella mutter something in return, but I choose to ignore it.

After a few moments I start to hear noise come from my kitchen and when it starts to get louder I quickly close my door, accidentally slamming it which makes me cringe.

„Y/N" I hear Ella yell from down stairs.

„Sorry, mom" I yell back, only whispering the second part.

I smell someone cooking, my stomache making an involuntary noise as I huff. I quickly take out my phone and text Ella.


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