1) New Professor

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Patience. Silence. Vengeance. What do I mean you ask? Patience and silence had one beautiful daughter, and her name was vengeance.

Probably not what you were thinking but here we are. Vengeance was a pretty thing wasn't it? It also had no limits for the underworld. It could go from pettily giving someone an F on their test, to blowing their brains out with a machine gun.

But it can also be all the in between. Manipulation, deception and betrayal all come into the category of attaining vengeance.

Revenge even. It's a little lower than vengeance but it practically means the same thing. Making someone suffer the way they made you suffer. Make them fear you. Make them serve you. Make them feel the pain they have gave to you.

Or you could simply walk away and let karma do it's job. But that was just boring. Where's the fun in doing nothing? So even though karma is a bitch, vengeance should be taken into your own hands.

But, what could he possibly want revenge for?

"No w-wait, I'm sorry. Please I-I didn't see you there and-" and the blue haired male didn't let the other say another word before a bullet went straight through his skull.

The male rolled his eyes at his own pettiness but whatever. All the man did was bump into him and then call him a bastard. Never mind, he was right to kill him. No one calls him names.

His phone started ringing and he pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeing his best friends caller ID he picked up, almost immediately hearing shouting.

"What the hell Lix, there's 10 minutes until class and you're still not here. If you're not here in another 5, then I'm leaving and going without you." Felix almost forgot it was the first day of college. It was his second year so he wasn't too worried but he didn't want to be late.

"I'll be there in 5, I swear. I just got a little... distracted. I'll be right there." He told Jisung and hung up. He was already on the way to campus before the man bumped into him. So he grabbed his bag that he had carelessly thrown and ran to college.

Han Jisung was already stood there on his phone waiting for the blue haired when he finally showed up and was evidently out of breath. Felix apologised again and Jisung forgave him instantly.

Felix and Jisung had been friend ever since they could remember. They went through middle school and high school together and coincidentally got into the same college. They were more like brothers, always having each others backs and loved one another like brothers would. There was almost nothing the two didn't know about each other. Almost. Point is, they were extremely close and no one could change that.

The two walked through the college still having 5 minutes to spare before class started. The two were business students and so their lectures were endless.

"Hey Lix."

"What's up Felix?"

"Hi Jisung."

"Hey how was summer?"

Questions were thrown at Felix and Jisung from all directions. They wouldn't say they were popular but they were known. Felix was the type of guy who had both genders crushing on him and Jisung was a social butterfly.

"By the way, I heard we have a new professor. Apparently he's really young to be a college professor though." Jisung said as they neared their lecture hall.

"I guess he has the qualifications. But I hope he's better than last years professor, man I hated him." Felix said reminiscing on last year.

They two walked in and claimed their seats, and around 3 minutes later, their new professor walked in. And holy shit, Felix's breath was literally taken away. What the hell? That had never happened before.

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