24) Kidnapped

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The next day Felix and Chan were eating breakfast in peace. They had nothing planned so they decided to have a lazy day, and weirdly Chan agreed to not go in to work today. Love worked in mysterious ways.

But first thing is first. The big question.

"Hey Lixie?" Chan called out. Felix was scrolling his phone while trying to eat pancakes without throwing up.

There was definitely progress in his eating, but there was still a long way to go since Felix still threw up a few times.

"Yeah." Felix replied turning to the blond with a smile.

"Can we talk?" Chan said motioning to the lounge and Felix was confused

"Always. Is something wrong?" Felix asked and they both made their way to the lounge and sat down beside each other.

"I know you said you wouldn't lie to me, but you did yesterday." Chan said sadly. Ok, this was already starting off badly.

"What do you mean? Why would I lie?" Felix said with a small smile genuinely confused.

"When you lie you always start tapping your right hand with your left and divert your eyes, that's how I can tell." Chan said and Felix's eyes widened. Chan can read him like an open book.

"Ok and what did I lie about?" Felix asked getting slightly defensive. 

"You didn't kill Choi's son, did you?" Chan said finally turning to him and looking him in the eyes.

Fuck, Felix thought.

"Yes I did, what are you implying?" Felix said and made sure not to look away or tap his hand.

"No you didn't. His body was never found and Minho looked into it. He is very much alive. My question is why. Why didn't you kill him?" Chan said noticing his hands slightly shaking.

"This is bullshit Chan, I killed him. I left the bodies there, maybe when they were discovered he was still breathing and they treated him. And he lived." Felix said defensively.

"Now that is bullshit, because I know you Felix. I know every single little thing about you. And I know you always check your victim's pulses before you leave them. You let him go. Why? What does he have to do with you?" Chan said grabbing Felix's hands and asking again.

But Felix was stubborn as hell, anyone would know that. So he wasn't budging. He pulled his hands away from Chan's and stood up.

"I killed him, leave it at that." Felix said grabbing his coat and phone from their bedroom and walking to the door. Lets just say he felt like being petty.

"Where are you going Lix? And why is it such a big deal to tell me the truth, I'm your husband?" Chan sighed and followed after him.

"I don't wanna talk right now. And don't pull the husband card on me." Felix said slamming the door as he left.

Chan sighed and ran his hands down his face then through his hair. Felix was being a pain in the ass. It was his members, his family in danger. All Felix had to do was tell the truth, why was that so difficult.

Felix drove straight to Changbin's house knowing that's where everyone else would be. And by everyone I mean Changbin, Jisung and Seungmin.

He walked in since he had a key. A few weeks ago everyone got keys to everyone's houses in case of emergencies. This was classed as an emergency in Felix's book.

Everyone turned to Felix when he walked in with a neutral expression. They all looked at each other confused.

"I'm pissed at Chan, so who wants to shopping?" Felix asked holding up Chan's card in his hands.

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