9) Start Over

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"Boss, there's someone here to see you." One of Chan's men suddenly said. Chan replied he was coming and walked away from the ledge.

Chan walked into his office and saw a man sat in front of his desk. He looked mid forties, and wore a suit.

"Ah Chris, just the man I wanted to see." The man said and Chan took his own seat.

"Obviously. You wouldn't be here otherwise. May I know who you are?" Chan replied with a stone cold face.

"I don't come with intentions to harm you or your mafia, however, I need some information. I need a man, more of a boy, around 22, 23, not sure. I discovered some pictures of his that were shot, with you." The man said, he hadn't even introduced himself yet.

The man was clearly bad news, and clearly after Felix. Pictures? With Chan? Where would he find those?

"I need you to be a little more specific. I know many people." Chan uttered and pulled out his phone under the desk.

"These may jog your memory." The man said and threw a brown envelope on the desk which a few pictures fell out from.

Chan looked closer and tried not to show a reaction. Felix was being followed for years, even when he was with Chan, he was followed. The pictures were of Felix laughing, holding hands with Chan, they were outside some cafe. Another picture was of them besides Chan's car in the parking lot of the college. There was more, all with Chan. Shit.

"Why are you looking for him?" Chan asked leaning back into his seat. 

"He killed my family, my wife and two kids. Left a note saying it was revenge." The man replied and Chan secretly unlocked his phone pulling out Minho's contact.

"He was a game to me, and when he found out, he left. 2 and a half years ago. Haven't seen him since." Chan said and typed out a message.

Minho's phone pinged as he got a message and he pulled out his phone.

'Get Felix out of here.'

That was all but Minho immediately understood. He stood from the chair in his own office and rushed to find the blue haired boy. This wasn't good, someone had already found him and it hadn't even been a week.

He found Felix in the weapons room with Jisung and grabbed his arm. Felix looked like he was getting a new gun.

"We need to go, someone is here and he's looking for you." Minho quickly said and the 3 started walking out. Slowly, to not raise suspicion.

"How, and who?" Jisung asked when they were out and walking to Minho's car.

"I don't know. I saw a man walk into Chan's office a while ago and I just thought he was another business deal. Then Chan texted me telling me to get you away from here." Minho explained. They were all in the car by now and heading to Minho's house. Felix was in the back seat with Jisung in the front.

"Felix, you okay?" Jisung said looking back at him.

"I'm fine." Felix replied. He was very clearly not fine, and Minho was about to ask until Jisung signalled him to not.

Felix was still thinking about his conversation with Chan. You couldn't blame the boy, he had a habit of overthinking. He was glad Chan stuck to his word of protecting him. But his heart was hurting, so damn much. Coming back was a mistake, he had to leave.

"No, don't even think about it." Jisung said. The squirrel was fucking mind reader. 

"I didn't even say anything." Felix said looking at him confused.

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