8) The Hidden Truth

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It had been 2 days and Chan hadn't come by Minho's, thank god. Felix knew it was inevitable that be would come but he was still glad. Chan did plan on coming today though, to get some answers.

Felix was getting ready to leave and go out, he wasn't suppose to though because of one of Chan's 'rules', that Felix was disregarding. Minho had told him what Chan wanted him to do and not do. To say Felix was pissed was an understatement. Chan wanted to treat him like a prisoner.

Little did he know, Chan really wanted to protect him as best he could.

Minho was at work so Felix was alone, no one to stop him. Felix still couldn't belive he was back here, the only home he had known for a long time, until he left.

He had to leave. He had been deceived his entire life, Chan was the last straw. He really believed he would be able to have a normal life again, until Chan revealed his true intention. He fell in love, and that turned out to be his biggest mistake.

He grabbed the keys Minho gave him, his gun and his phone, and left the house. He wasn't completely breaking rules, he was planning to go to Chan's headquarters.

It was like a mansion but it was disguised as a warehouse. Jisung told him about it and sent the location. He wanted to see what else Chan hid or may be hiding from him.

He got in his car that Jisung also brought to him and headed to the location. It took around 10 minutes and was a little outside of Seoul, on the outskirts, very secluded. Minho's house was also on the outskirts which is why it only took a few minutes.

It really did look like a warehouse from the outside, broken down and abandoned. Felix wondered what the inside would be like. He walked to the entrance and at first he thought he got the wrong place.

He walked in and it really did look like an abandoned warehouse. But then he walked further and saw a door, he walked through and was immediately asked for a security badge. Damm was Chan careful.

"I don't have one, but your leader knows me." Felix told the guy, who then reached for his gun.

"How do you know our location?" The man asked. He was suspicious of Felix.

"I told you, your boss knows me, so does Minho." Felix said. He was about give up and go until be heard a voice. A voice he use to long to hear.

"He's with me. Let him in from now on." Chan said in an authoritative voice and the security man bowed.

"Yes sir." He replied and let Felix through. Chan nodded his head in the other direction signalling Felix to follow him. Felix just rolled his eyes.

It was silent for a few minutes, none of them knowing what exactly to say as they kept walking. Felix didn't know where they were going but he just kept following the blond.

"What are you doing here?" Chan said finally breaking the silence.

"Thought I'd come see this place. Jisung sent me the location." Felix explained in short. He was hoping this conversation wouldn't happen. Chan simply hummed at his reply.

They reached Chan's office to which the blond held the door open for the other to enter. Felix kept his eyes anywhere but Chan's. Since he came back, he made eye contact with Chan once. No more than once, he couldn't bare to. It hurt too much.

"So, the other day you said you were too tired to answer some question. How do you feel now?" Chan asked as he took a seat on his chair and Felix made himself comfortable on the sofa in front of the desk.

"I feel fine." Felix replied. Chan knew he wouldn't get more than that.

"Well, who's after you? Who'd you piss off? How many people have you killed? And since when?" Chan asked question after question.

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