15) You're Hurting Me

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They arrived at what Felix guessed was the Japanese mafia's headquarters, and got out the car. There was a man waiting for them who bowed the second he saw Chan.

The man led the two inside and did a minor security check, he took both their guns and led them through where Felix guessed the boss was.

"Ah, you're back, and with your husband I see." A different man said in Japanese.

Felix knew Chan knew Japanese, and a few other languages. Felix didn't know Japanese too well though and could only understand a little.

"Of course, I brought him hoping we could score that deal, otherwise his trip here would be so unfortunate." Chan replied in Japanese. Felix wasn't going to lie, he loved how Chan was multilingual, but no one needed to know that.

"Chris, come through, let's talk numbers." The man seemed happy and so did Chan, probably because he might get the deal.

Felix and Chan walked through to a room with a large table in the center, just like an average company's meeting room. For about half an hour, the two talked and Felix simply listened. He could only understand a little since his knowledge was limited.

And after that half an hour, the two bosses stood and shook hands. A girl who seemed to be the Japanese boss' secretary brought in documents and placed them in front of Chan.

"I hope this will do us both good." The man said and Chan smiled and nodded his head. He quickly read through the documents and signed, then motioned for Felix to do the same.

"I got the deal, all you have to do is sign." Chan translated and Felix nodded. He grabbed the pen, hesitated for a few seconds before signing. He didn't know why he hesitated, probably because he wasn't use to this responsibility.

After another 10 minutes, the two left and got back to the car, heading back to the hotel. It seemed simple enough, what Chan had to do, so why come to Japan for 2 days. Felix couldn't figure it out. But right now, he had a different question.

"By the way, what do you have to do in return for the drugs?" Felix asked after about 8 minutes of silence.

"He'll supply us with the drugs as long as we want and we have to do one little job for him in the next two days." Chan answered, but never elaborated.

"And what's the job?" Felix asked carefully.

"Kill the boss' father." Chan replied nonchalantly like it was nothing.

"Seriously Chan, what did the father do exactly?" Felix scoffed. The job seemed almost too easy for so many drugs.

"A lot of things. I was thinking you do the killing, y'know, since you seem to love killing people's families and all." Chan said throwing some very obvious shade at Felix.

"I did that for revenge, I don't kill people without a reason. Besides, why don't you do it. You're the mafia boss who likes killing people for fun." Felix threw it right back at him and Chan just rolled his eyes.

Chan didn't know why he had the sudden urge to be mad or annoyed at Felix. Maybe its the amount of times Felix reminds him that he hates the blond and Chan really doesn't need reminding.

The words just haunt him endlessly, 'I hate you Chan' just echoing in his mind. Guess it finally got to him.

"I wasn't asking Felix, I was ordering. Its your mission." Chan said and Felix scoffed in disbelief.

"Ordering?" Felix asked and thank god the car stopped and they arrived at the hotel or Felix would've thrown hands.

Felix got out the car slamming the door really hard but it didn't make a difference to Chan who simply walked out and followed the angry blue haired boy.

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